Spearpaw's Betrayal: Six Moons Later

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Chapter 1: Six Moons Later

Trees whipped past her racing legs as they performed each lengthy stride in the form of a sprint. Her scapulas jutted up and down as she raced through the forest, guided by a beating heart. Wind tugged at Spear's tan coat, but it only made each tiny particle waver as her muscles rapidly rippled beneath her pelage.

The fox blazed after her like a bullet searching for its destination- which would be Spear, in this case right now. But the thought didn't bother her, for only a lust for adventure sparkled across her glacial eyes. The feline's thudding paws seem to leave a trail in the fragile soil, which would lead right to where she started off of course.

The sight of a river in her vision grew bigger and bigger with each long stride. The question rippled through her mind; Jump into the river, or stand and face the mighty fox? Her decision was quick, yet well thought-out in only those matter of seconds.

Spear's hind-legs sprung off the surface of the foliage, and she plunged into the icy currents of the river. The water thrashed her side to side as she struggled to gain control. Her irises were wild with panic, and her pounding heart seemed to be as loud as the jolting waves.

The furious fox shot a glare after her, it's sharp teeth were bared into a large snarl. A scowl was clearly exposed amongst the canine's expression, but the only worry troubling Spear was the river.

Suddenly, up ahead the river seemed to drop down into a waterfall. Fear pulsed through her veins, and the only screech that managed to liberate from her jaws was,"HELP!"

Just then, a whir of grey blazed down the rim of the river, paws racing and tail trailing after the she-cat. The unfamiliar feline submerged into the water, her sleek grey coat dragging her down but yet she seemed to have no problem swimming. She maneuvered her way over to Spear, her teeth gritted as she firmly gripped her nape.

"Hold on!" The grey cat yowled as she managed to haul Spear's weight over to the edge of the river. Together, they slumped out of the water, panting hard and their hearts racing wildly. Rather than Spear, who collapsed onto the ground, the unknown feline gracefully shook out her unique grey coat.

Rays of the sun danced on their pelts, warming them from head to paw. Spear retched on the ground, gagging up the water that forced its way into her lungs.

"Birdheart!" A deep screech seemed to rip out from the shadows, and with that came a broad Tom. His odd pelt varied from black, brown, and crimson.

"I'm alright, Riverstar!" The she-cat, who apparently was named Birdheart reassured her leader.

"Who is this?" Riverstar swung his cranium over to Spear, a weary gleam settled in his blazing amber eyes.

Before Birdheart can reply, Spear addressed herself,"My name is Spear, And Let me guess, I trespassed into another one of your 'Clan territories'?" An irritated glare began to embark her expression. The last thing she wanted to deal with was another stupid clan.

Unlike Riverstar's expression, a shocking look seemed to slap onto Birdheart, and she choked out,"S-Spear....? Spearkit of Shadowclan?"

Her veins turned to cold ice, and she froze in her position as realization charged at her like a horse.

"N-Not anymore... Shadowclan is gone... Who are you?"

"Shadowclan used to be my home... But I remember you as Dappledstream's daughter. Both your mother and sister are in Riverclan... And they think your dead."


Comment below your opinions about the prologue and chapter 1 and let me know if I should continue on. Thanks! :D

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