Spearpaw's Betrayal: First Betrayal

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Chapter 3: First Betrayal

As soon as Spearpaw approached her mother, the question slipped off her tongue,"Where is..." But her voice trailed off. She didn't know her sister's name. For the past 6 moons, the feline tried so hard to forget everything that happened to Shadowclan, even her own family. Now Spearpaw regretted it.

A grim look embarked on Dappledstream's expression, and a cold chill trickled like the icy currents of the river up her spine. Except, this felt sharper. Noticing Spearpaw's pale face, she quickly explained,"Brindledpaw, Your sister is very sick.. With something called green cough. She's sleeping in the medicine cat's den right now, I'll take you to see her."

When Spearpaw entered through the mouth of the medicine cat's den, she noticed a limp shape, spotted build in one of the nests. She slowly approached her sister, who was barely breathing. A sorrowful look began to bolt across her cerulean eyes, and a sigh skimmed over her teeth.

"Spearpaw, This is Silverstream, the medicine cat who's taking care of Brindledpaw," Dappledstream introduced the incoming feline, who was a beautiful silver she-cat. The tan feline secretly envied those with pelts as flawless as her, but she kept her thoughts to herself.

"Thank you, For doing all that you can for my sister," Spearpaw's voice seemed to break, but she managed to flash a sad smile. A fierce longing pierced through her heart, and she could only cling onto her hopes that her sister would be okay.

When Spearpaw and her mother entered the clearing again, a bronze sunset settled along the horizon. Colors were splashed and washed amongst the skies, and she could only wonder how this day had come to her. Just then, another pale grey feline passed by them, stopping just as Dappledstream called to her.

"Do you mind if you show Spearpaw around camp, Willowstorm? I'm directed to a patrol right now," Her mother asked, her tail flicking to and fro. Willowstorm shrugged, looking at her mother blankly as if she only heard half of what she said. Her jaw was firm, and Spearpaw could just tell there was a fake smile on her face.

Before her mother could ask her anything, Willowstorm finally replied faintly,"Sure."

The camp was quite unique than others. Apparently, Spearpaw was told that their dens were in the giant tree, called the Gnarled Oak. There was a hollow midway up the trees for the nursery, sense they were way to young to climb yet. Then, above the nursery was the apprentice's space of the tree, and then the highest were the warriors. Lush canopy and foliage hung here and there, skimming across your coat every now and then. Spearpaw loved it though. She loved the comforting shadows drawn by the branches, she loved how it loomed over just slightly at the top, almost as if protecting her from any horrors outside camp. Then, just at the trunk of the tree was another large hollow for Riverstar's den. It was just his size.

Spearpaw didn't think she'd climb any harder in her life. Maneuvering and hauling her way from one den to the other. Willowstorm said she would soon get used to it, but Spearpaw wasn't so sure.

Just at the end of the tour, Spearpaw could barely keep herself awake. Her eyelids seemed to weigh a ton, and all she wanted to do was sleep. But her mother had other plans.

"Let's take a walk out in the forest, I could use some fresh air for once and it'll do you good," Dappledstream said, a friendly smile on her face, yet there was something odd about her expression.

Before Spearpaw could object, she lead her daughter into the forest. The tan feline trailed behind, and they didn't stop until they reached a river. She was half awake though, and a mighty yawn emitted from her jaws.

Spearpaw suddenly felt like there was something wrong, and as if she imagined it, a leaf cracked somewhere far away. She could detect it though, and her ears flattened. Dappledstream whirled around to face her, a strictly solemn expression on her face.

With narrowed irises, she asked,"What's all this about?"

"Shh.." Dappledstream hushed her, whipping her tail onto Spearpaw's mouth.

"Listen. You aren't really part of Riverclan.. Are you?"

A dark feeling began to settle within her, and confusion quickly rang through her mind. Her mother was acting too suspicious, something must've been wrong.

"Why wouldn't I be in Riverclan...? Mother, Is there something wrong?"

A sharp look of anxiety and worry flashed across Dappledstream's facial features, and slowly she said,"You have to promise not to tell anyone... And you have to promise that you won't freak out, There are explanations for this that you don't know yet, That Riverstar has been keeping from you."

"I-I promise..." Spearpaw's voice was shaky, but deep concern washed over her face like the waves of a shore.

"Okay.." Her mother sighed, continuing,"Me and two other cats are spying for Swiftclan, And-" Her voice was drowned by the incoming rustle of bushes, and a deeper, darker voice that was colder than ice.

"Oh dear, Dappledstream... I thought you didn't want to sentence yourself to an exile this quickly, just after your daughter's arrived." Riverstar's broad build was tense, yet the fire that blazed in his eyes was more clear than ever.

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