Spearpaw's Betrayal: Reunited

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Chapter 2: Reunited

Everything seemed to freeze in time right then. Memories shot through her mind like a record of her family, of her father's death, the last words her mother ever said to her.

"Take me to Riverclan, Now," Spear demanded, her cold eyes harder than stone. Birdheart glanced at her in sympathy, yet Riverstar only looked amused.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves now. When you join Riverclan, You will stay in Riverclan. You will not disobey my orders, and you will not go against the warrior code. You will have to fight for your clan in our safety, Do you think you can manage that?" His voice was smooth, yet solemn. Irritation and impatience seemed to nag at her though, and she vowed,"As long as my family is there, I will do whatever you say."

With that, the three cats set off to camp. Anxiety blew off like an explosion through Spear, thinking of her mother and sister. Most of all, her new home at Riverclan. Would her new life be full of war like the last one, or will it be calm and peaceful? The questions rang through her mind as she raced through her new territory, heading straight to camp.

Spear's anticipation ended as soon as they embarked into camp. The camp was fairly large, and a bit different than others. The biggest tree she'd ever seen was planted right in the middle of camp, series and series of thick branches colliding off from the trunk. Lush canopy hung down the sides, and beside the tree was a swift river running through camp. Cats crowded in the clearing, patrols being made, warriors gossiping, and some just feasting on prey.

Spear gazed in awe around the camp, impressed by the stability and how smoothly the cats worked. She didn't remember her home clan's camp, Shadowclan, but Spear guessed it was something like this. All of the cats were unfamiliar to her, everyone's coat mostly varying fom shades of grey, except for one.

The feline was a beautiful, lithe tan she-cat with patches of darker brown splotched on her coat. Her big green eyes widened as she took a step forward, a look of pure astonishment pierced onto her expression.

"Spearkit... Is that you?"

"Mother..." Spear breathed, and as if it were a dream, she ran after her. They collided, Spear's paws wrapped around her mother, purrs shaking her body harder than ever before. Tears of joy glistened in her cerulean eyes, and she felt her mother's heartbeat against her sternum.

"I've missed you so much..." Dappledstream whispered.

Now every cat's gaze were on them. Some of their pelts bristled, and others had a plain look of hostility within their eyes. A sturdy black and crimson Tom seemed to look the most outrageous, and his voice was stunningly cold,"Riverstar... What is this?"

But Riverstar simply ignored him, dismissing him with the lash of his tail. A flat stone jutted out of the ground, and the leader jumped to the top of the hard rock.

"Clan meeting!" His yowl ran throughout the whole camp, and everyone immediately started to gather around. Spear and Dappledstream stayed where they are though, not wanting to leave her mother's side ever again. But eventually, she had too.

"Cats of Riverclan, Birdheart and I found Dappledstream's daughter during our hunt. It would only be right for her to join Riverclan as an apprentice. So, Spearkit you have reached the age of six moons and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Spearpaw. Your mentor will be Birdheart. I hope Birdheart will pass down all she knows on to you," Riverstar paused, before continuing.

"Birdheart, You are ready to take on an apprentice. You've shown yourself to be brave and courageous, and I expect you to pass down all you know on to Spearpaw."

Spearpaw stood alone in the clearing, all of the cats parting so that there was a circle around her. Dead silence seemed to await her as the ceremony ended, and hot embarrassment began to drip into her like acid. Finally, as Birdheart touched noses with her, the cheering began to start. It almost seemed forced though, rather than joyful and happy.

As Riverstar dismissed the meeting, she almost immediately wondered where her sister had been. She swung around to maneuver her way through the crowd to approach her mother, but instead she walked right into a grey Tom.

Spearpaw lost her balance and fell to the ground. Her ears flattened, and she was almost about to hiss a stinging remark when she realized these were her clan mates now. She should at least be easy on someone.

"S-Sorry! That was honestly my fault, I should've looked where I was going," the grey Tom apologized immediately, bending down to help her up.

"It's okay.. Really, I shouldn't of been that fast right in the middle of the crowd," Spearpaw replied, the edge of her maw curving slightly.

"My names Crowpaw by the way, Your that new apprentice aren't you?" Spearpaw nodded, but she was barely paying attention as she glanced at the furious Tom from before, glaring at her with hostility.

Crowpaw flattened his ears and responded in a low whisper,"That's our deputy, Brokenjaw. Don't let any of the senior warriors get to you, their just a bunch of rat-lickers who can't get any mates." Spearpaw couldn't help it, she burst out laughing, which only made Brokenjaw's hostile expression even sharper.

"Anyways see you later!" Crowpaw called after her as he padded away. Spearpaw gazed after him with a smile on her face, before she remembered where she was going and leapt back in the direction towards her mother.

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