Empress' New Clothes.

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The smell of rain and of mint surrounded him, the sound of silence echoed in the room and the feeling of softness made it hard for Anxiety to open his eyes from the comfort he never had. So maybe that's why he opened his eyes.

Anxiety found himself inside of a room that had the same colors of his own bedroom: black or dark gray, but it was more classier and with a gothic vibe to it.

The blankets were a matte black and felt silky on Anxiety's skin, the carpet was a lighter shade of black and the interesting part of it was that if you look at it in a certain angle it had a shimmery light to it that it made it look like stars on the night sky, the walls were a dark gray, and there many pieces of furniture around the room. There was even a dim, black lamp in the corner-- just like his and in his room.

He looked up from the confortable blankets and covers to look next to him, there was a nightstand and on it there was a glass of milk with a note that says: Drink me :)

Something inside of him made him trust the note, even if his commom sense told him not to. Anxiety sat up right and looked at the door that was shut, it was a glossy gray and had another note stuck on it.

One right, one left, another left: kitchen.

He squint at it with suspicion and got out of bed, looked for his hoddie (it was drapped over the armrests of a black chair), slipped it on, and followed the notes instructions.

The hallways were bloody red with a white trim and had a polished wooden floor. He turned the first right and saw that the hallway's color changed into a Matte black but still with the white trim. There was a small sideboard with a vase that was full of dead roses.

Anxiety walked past it, still looking at it from the corner of his eye. He took the first left and saw that the hallways was just plain white. Okay, this is getting ridiculous, and I feel dizzy already. He thought as took the second left and rolled his eyes when he saw that the hall was now red, again. Shuffling his feet onto the red rug, he walked out of the mazes of hallways and into something that looked like the kitchen.

The kitchen was a bloody orange with the same white trim, there was a black fridge, a silver sink, a red stove, and the cabinets were a glossy white with a red rose and green leaves and thorns on each one of them. In the middle of the kitchen there was a rectangular marble countertop and all around it there were black metal stools with a red top.

The woman had her nose in a big book with no title in sight, in front of her there was a red mug with what Anxiety asumed was coffee due to the smell of it and how she seemed like an adult by the way she seemed to leaned foward onto the counter. She lifted the mug up to her mouth, eyes still glued on the page of her book, and took a sip. A sigh escaped her lips as she put the mug down, "I taken that you didn't drink your milk, no?"

Anxiety peered his eyes at her and sat down on a stool across from her. "No," he bluntly said with the taste of his sarcasm gather in the back of his throat.

She lifted her eyes from the book and smiled sweetly. "And why not?"

Anxiety scoffed, "Because you basically kidnapped me!" He threw his arms in the air in irritation. Her smile faded a bit, but the corners of her mouth were still up. It actually looked more like a smug or a smirk than an actual smile.

She tilted her head in a thinking manner. "Well, I didn't exactly 'kidnapp' you but you did get the 'kid' part right." She laughed as she stood up straight and walked away from the counter and to a cupboard. This made Anxiety tense up with fear but was tempted to run, yet he has seen what she can do with only a flick of her wrist-- imagine in a place where she has access to sharp objects.

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