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Welcome to chapter 2 of my lovely story.

Does anyone here like smut? If I get more yeses than no's then- wait. I might add smut no matter what.

Bonnie's POV:

"Ughh. Where am I?" I groan waking up. I look around and see that I'm in a cell.

"Well Well Well. Look who's awake" I hear a voice say.

--------------------------------------------Last Night-----------------------------------------------------------------------

"Don't die" Dad says as he exits the car and zip lines up the building.

"Thanks for the tip" I mutter walking into the bank. Not a good idea. As soon as I walk in everything stops. I see Joker, Harley and Poison Ivy stare at me.

"Hi! I'm Arsonist. New to fighting crime. How does this work?" I say in a sarcastic tone.

Joker laughs like this is the best thing he has heard and walks up to me. I start to get scared but I know better than to show it. So I keep a neutral face.

"Like this" He suddenly pulls out a pistol and aims it at my head. But before he can shoot, dad knocks the gun out of his hands.

"I told you to not die!" He glares at me and disappears again.

"So your Batman's new sidekick! Lovely to meet you. I'm Harley." She says in a way too peppy voice. Ugh. What an annoying voice. I glare at her and take out my staff.

"You're annoying." I just flat out tell her. I swing my staff at her. She dodges and glares at me.

"I tried" She says and swings her hammer at me. I dodge just in time but I don't realize Poison Ivy behind me. She has her plants knock me out. I fall holding my head. It hurts and I can't hear anything but a ringing noise. I see my dad in the back losing his shit and Joker realizing that you are more than a sidekick....


"Where am I?" I groan looking around. I see grey walls and some bars. Through the bars I see Joker.

"Well Well Well. Looks who's awake" He says in a joking tone. I back up the the farthest corner from him. He starts to laugh seeing me scared.

"Should I get Johnny here? He would love to see you scared" He smiles evilly and laughs loudly. I try to back up even more but all I do is bring my knees up to my chest and start to shake. I see his smile become even bigger. Is that even possible? I mean he carved a smile onto his face..

"JOHNNY!!" Joker yells laughing as he does.

"I HAVE A NEW TEST SUBJECT FOR YOU!" He yells to make sure that "Johnny" knows that he is being called down for a reason. I can't help but to wonder who Johnny is. That was until I saw Jonathan Crane, aka Scarecrow, walk in the room. I instantly know he is going to use his fear toxin on me.

"What Joker!?!" He asks Joker in a rude manor.

"Here. Use your fear thingy on her. She seemed sooooo scared!!" He draws out the word so and laughs. I know Scarecrow sees what I fear when under the toxin so I start to freak out. Knowing my fears, he will know every secret about me!

"Well then." He opens the cell and walks towards me. I see the smile on his lips and try to disappear. But it doesn't work and he injects the toxin in me.

The walls start to close in. No windows or doors so all I can do is freak out. I start to hyperventilate and try to stop the walls. But I'm too weak. I close my eyes and wait for death to come but nothing happens. I open my eyes only to see I'm in a room with my dad. Oh no! Not this fear, is all I can think right now. Then I realize I'm strapped to a chair and Joker waltzes in front of me.

"I'll let her go for your life." Joker says laughing. He knows he has won.

"No! Don't do it dad!!" I scream. I can't lose my dad!! He is all I have left. I start to cry. Dad looks at me.

"I love you." Is all he says and nods at Joker. Joker laughs and knocks out dad and ties him up. Once my dad has come to Joker pulls out a gun.

"But first." Joker points the gun at my head and shoots. Suddenly the ground changes and I'm on a roller coaster. I see the bottom of the hill that I'm on and start to feel sick. The roller coaster starts to move and I scream. When the roller coaster hits the end of the hill I wake in the cell from before.

"Hmm. Interesting." Scarecrow says as he circles me. Suddenly he stops.

"So Batman is your dad?" He asks with an evil smirk.

"Let's tell everyone else, shall we?" He asks and calls Joker, Harley, Ivy, Catwoman, and Riddler down.

"I have some very interesting news for you guys." Scarecrow says tauntingly.

"NO!! Please" I say. Hoping he will listen but deep down I know all I am doing is making it worse for me.

Scarecrow chuckles evilly and turns to me. He slowly walks up to me and makes me stand up by pulling my hair.

Turning back to the others he says "Her father is the one and only Batman."

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