Chapter 1

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Alex's POV:
OMG!!! I cannot believe I'm starting my second year at Towson!!! Granted I still have to do stupid General credits in order to finally get to doing my major but hey at least this is the last semester of this foolishness. Praise the Lord!!!! Oh my gosh!!!! I am such a rude person we have guest and I have yet to introduce myself to you all. My name is Alexander Johnson, but all of my associates, friends, family, and classmates call me Alex. So please do the same. Oh where do I begin well lets see. Of course you already know that I am a sophomore at Towson University, and that I am a theater major here. I am originally from New York up in the big city, but moved down here to get away from all the noise and lights of Broadway. Now I know what you'll probably thinking "Alex are you crazy?!? Why would you move from New York City where there is Broadway and lights and so much entertainment, and come all the way down here to little old Towson Maryland in Baltimore Maryland?!?!?!" Well my friends I needed to get away from New York and venture out, and I also needed to escape a particular part of my past as well, but that part of me will be revealed in later times. Now on to more fun stuff about me please, because I cant stand staying in a sad place for too log.

I have two of the most amazing classmates and friends I could ever ask for while here at little old Towson University, and their names are Veronica Michelle, and Joshua Batino. Veronica is one smart girl, and at the same time she is a little peculiar. I mean ya'll this girl is a triple major and I don't know how in the name of Sam Hill, and Great Firey Balls of South Carolina she does it, but shes doing it, and she's keeping up a 3.5 my gracious!! I wish I had that spunk and that mind to do so. My other favorite person and best friend is Joshua Batino aka Mr. Yellow , as to why he likes to be preferred that's for him to tell, and not my place to say anything. Joshieee as I call him (only me and Veronica can cal him that) is one of my all time favorite people to talk to whenever I have a problem or whenever I really need some advice about almost anything especially when it comes to talking to Veronica . I feel like I forgot to mention that I am madly heads over heels in love with Veronica. Man, reader if you only could see what I see in Veronica, she is completely beautiful. She has the body of Beyonce, and a heart like pure gold. I mean she has everyone in our entire sophomore class anf even the upper classmen of Towson at her heels because she's just that beautiful. Most of the upper classmen just want to get into her pussy (Sorry reader the author decided to make me a person with not filter. Someone should really talk to him about censoring my speech), but me I really want to date her, and then one day make her my wife. But until then I will just admire her from a distance. OH SHIT!!!!!! (Sorry reader, again talk to the author) I ONLY HAVE 3 MINUTES TO HAUL MY ASS TO THE FINE ARTS THEATER!!!!!!!

I'm sorry to cut this conversation short guys but I really need to get to my Script Writing class!! IT'S MY ALL TIME FAVORITE CLASS. I'm sure we will see each other around soon. Until then guys ttyl (that's text for "talk to you later")

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