Chapter 13

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Matthew's POV:
Sooo I'm not going to retell the date night because I think my Joshua did a phenomenal job, but what I will tell you is that it was the MOST FUCKING AMAZING NIGHT OF MY FUCKING LIFE. Everything was spectacular and absolutely took my breath away. I literally almost cried because it was absolutely beautiful. the fact that Joshua took me to the harbor was just adorable. I have never been and it was just breath taking, but to me the most awesome part of the entire date was going to the cheesecake factory and then enjoying the live performances of Diana Ross, Patti Labelle,  Frankie Beverly, and Lionel Richie. I have heard of these artist before because my parents listened to them all the time and they have a phono record player so of course I had my share of some good tunes, but i never actually heard them and the style that they sung in and of until my date with Joshua, and i  have to say I was completely memorized, and it absolutely took my breath away.

I must admit that I completely saw Joshua in a new hot light after our date, and i more than desperately wanted to spend the rest of the night with him at his house and not even step foot into my own, just because Joshua had completely stolen my entire existence. If he keeps this up I might have to tell him my secret that I'm very much not talkative about. What is this secret you're wondering?!? Well it's that I'm a prince in Spin and I live in the Royal Palace of Madrid. I don't really tell people that because of the fact that they absolutely change and they act all different and high and mighty once I relate the message to them.  Also my father and mother are the king and queen of Madrid and the entire kingdom knows that I am gay and am looking for a suitor to help me run the kingdom which is why I am to America and went to Towson, and of course to get a degree because I love learning. I am hesitant to tell Joshua because I don't know how he is going to react yet I really want to tell him because the moment I graduate I'm going to go back to Madrid to rule my kingdom and if I don't have a suitor soon then I'll have to marry one of my fathers friends suitors and let me tell you I do not want to be in bed with a female who is snotty and bratty and only wants to run the kingdom for her own selfish gains.

I like Joshua and he makes me feel so alive and like I can almost give up my kingdom for him and he wouldn't even care about it. My parents did tell me that if I ever wanted to leave the royal family throne that it wouldn't really bother them because they would give it to my cousin who is next in line since I'm their only child, and I'm completely okay with that since me and my cousin get along really well and we always told each other that we would help each other run the kingdom whether or not I took the throne or stepped down and gave it to him. So I'm completely fine with whatever happens, but I want to have the honor and privilege of telling Joshua about my wealth and fortune but I'm beyond scared that he will change and I don't want that to ruin what we are starting to have.

Anyway guys I need to go to bed because tomorrow is SATURDAY!!! , and I'm beyond excited to hang out with Joshieee again tomorrow which reminds me I need to text him and see if he wants to go out again. I take out my phone and send Joshua a quick text asking him if he'd like to hang out again like we just did today and within minutes he responds and agrees to go which of course makes me the most happiest person in the world. Like I feel as if I just floated all over the rainbow on a cloud. So now I'm just too excited that I can't even go to sleep lol but I know I need to in order to have a successful second date tomorrow.

I slowly close my eyes thinking about me and Joshua ruling my kingdom hand in hand wearing yellow and purple jeweled encrusted crowns as two kings and I drift off to sleep with a smile on my face. I also dream of me bringing him to meet my mother and father the King and Queen, and them announcing to the entire kingdom of Madrid that their son has finally found a suitor to reign by his side. I see both me and Joshua getting ordained as the two kings of Madrid at the royal Coronation and both going to the royal ball , and making decrees and just ruling the kingdom in sync with each other.

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