Chapter 17

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Joshiee (crying in tears of happiness):
OMGGGGGGGG GUYS you will not believe what just happened to me. I'm sorry but I'm crying too much because I'm now the most happiest man ever!! You guys are probably wondering what I'm taking about, and so here's the news... I'm ENGAGED!!!!! (💍💍💍👬👨‍❤️‍👨👨‍👨‍👧‍👦). You just don't know how this is the happiest day of my life. Oh My God (starts crying again). I have to tell you guys the entire story and how it completely took me by surprise.

So after graduation we all went to my all time favorite desert restaurant the CheeseCake Factory , and Mattiee told me to order whatever chessecake I wanted, oh I forgot Alex and V were also with us which made it even more fucking fantastic!!! So I decided to order the regular old fashion style cheesecake and also the Oreo cheesecake because those are my favorite two styles all those other flavors are utterly nasty. So I ordered my two favorite slices of cake and they were to die for, and on top of it Mattie ordered me a wonderful glass of champagne and even though it was my very first time tasting champagne I know for a fact that I will have another go at that delicious drink again down the line. It tasted so bubbly and sweet!!! So as we see enjoying our cheesecake and our entres and sharing each other's food with one another the time completely swept by us into the night time. It was so beautiful. When it was time to pay for the check I wouldn't let Mattie pay for it at all and trust me he put up a real fight but my sweetness and kindness won him over and he allowed me to do so, but then I didn't even get he chance to because Alex snatched it away from me and ran to the front to pay for it.
So I eventually excused myself to go to the bathroom and was in there for some time. After washing my hands and making sure that I looked nice and decent in my outfit I returned and joined the rest of my friends, but something seemed extremely different, and when I mean different I mean that my Mattie was no where to be seen or found. I almost panicked but something told me to hold myself together, close my eyes, and count to twenty. Once I finished counting and opened my eyes I saw Mattie in front me dressed amazing in a wonderful purple dress shirt, a black vest and dress pants and a yellow tie on.
"Joshua we have known each other since we first met our sophomore year at Towson, and ever since then we have become inseparable. We have grown each other as friends, classmates, people of the same interest and also boyfriends. We have cried, laughed, enjoyed each other's company, bounced ideas off of each other when it came to doing theater, or just free lance expression of writing, but now I want to take that step and friendship to the next level."

I was completely lost for words and it's like my brain and my body sort of left the place and the only thing on my body that was working were my eyes because of the fact that they were watering and I was beginning to cry (which I'm also doing now again while telling this story). I didn't even hear Matt ask me to marry him but all I do remember doing is nodding my head "yes" and having a big ring placed on my finger and two very soft lips kissing mine. I was completely gone out of it that when I pulled myself together I saw other people clapping and cheering and wishing us "congratulations" of course there were one or two who left because they didn't approve due to their Christian beliefs and I'm okay with that, and I also respect that as well. Once everything had died down I once again laid a kiss on my now fiancés beautiful kissable lips which tasted beyond delicious hehehe. When Mattie and I finished eating each other's face lol we turned around and say Alex on one knee now proposing to Veronica and both of our mouthed dropped to the floor. All we know is that Veronica said "yes" and she was now an engaged woman. Once again the entire factory went in an uproar of applause and "congratulations" as the now two newly recently college graduates engaged couples were going to start their new lives together as husband and wife and husband and husband. I promise you this day couldn't have gotten any better but I promise you it actually did.

After a while of us just walking around Towson mall Mattiee finally told our friends the truth about him being a prince and being next in line for the throne. He also ended up surprising all of us with a trip to his hometown and we couldn't have even been more happy. We were all so excited that we ended up going out for drinks with Mattiee and I being the designated drivers for the other two because we know that they can hold their liquor but we didn't want them getting pulled over for their drink ends and having that on our conscious. So we ended up going to this bar in Baltimore called "Gatsby" and had a wonderful time. Alex and Veronica ordered like two piña colada's and Veronica also ordered a martini shaken. I ended up ordering a club soda mixed with champagne since I don't like drinking and Mattiee just had water.  We didn't leave the club until like 1am in the morning because Alex and V were all in each other's grill dancing all sexual I was scared that they would have had sex on the dance floor, but thank God that didn't happen. Once we finally had them situated in the car and drove them home to Alex's house since that was the closet Mattie and I decided to go back to his place and just relax.

When we reached our destination the first thing Mattiee did was ask me if I wanted to watch a movie and of course I couldn't resist. The mistake was him asking me what movie I wanted to watch and I gave him my top three choices: "Frozen, Lion King (including LK2 , and 1/2), and  Sleeping Beauty". Matt looked at me like I said something foreign and then said "You are too old to be watching Disney. It's a show and movies for kids."
I responded so quickly that he was taken off guard "First of all Back the Bippity Boppity fuck up off of me and my movie choices bae. You asked and that's what I want to watch. Now we either watch them or else you're going to get your ass kicked."
Of course he couldn't help but laugh and neither could I because it was absolutely too funny. After a good 17 minutes of laughter Matt looked at me and said: "I'm glad I'm gettting to marry you soon and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you babe."
"Me too babe" I responded.
He leaned over to kiss me and God damn did his lips taste too delicious I almost wanted pounce on him and have fucking sex right then and there but I was a good fiancé and restrained myself.
"Mmmm babe your lips taste too good if I keep kissing them I might have sex with oh right here and now." He said while our lips locked and mushed together, and omg why did he have to say that?!?
"You sir should not have said that." I responded
"Why not?!" He asked.
"Because I'm horny and I'm beyond ready to pounce on you very sexually." I responded with a sexual nip to his ear and a slight moan as well.
As if on cue Mattiee turned off the tv, picked me up and threw me across his back since I'm not that heavy lol and took me to his  room since his parents where out of town for the weekend. He threw me on the bed and locked the door behind him. When I looked up I saw such an evil mischievous grin on his face and I just knew that what was going to happen was going to be the best part of this marital journey hehehe.
Without warning Mattiee ripped off my jeans making me squeal like a girl lol then he moved up to my mid section and chest and slowly but roughly unbuttoned my shirt while at the same time nipping at my fleshing making me moan in pleasure and almost having an orgasm. Yet me and my naughty decided to play even harder to get just so that for my benefit when Mattie came inside of me it would the biggest and best load I ever felt.
In a gasping moaning protest I jolted up from the bed and said "NO!!" grabbing Mattie's arms and flipping jump n his back with me on top of him. He looked completely surprised and at the same time I could see the desperate hunger and thirst for my body in his eyes.

"What?!? What's wrong?!?" He asked
Without saying a word I went over to my stereo and began to play my ultimate love making playlist that I have always saved  for a special moment like this one. I came back over to the bed and pulled out the handcuffs from my sex kit that I also saved for special occasions just like this one from under my bed. They were a nice mixed color of purple and yellow fur. I also pulled out an orange and black blindfold.
"What in the world are these items for babe?" Mattie asked.
"They're for a little bit of fun love" I responded. "Fun for whom? Because you know I like to be in control when it comes to us making love." Mattie responded with a concern in his voice it made me giggle.
Oh god he's too cute  when he's concerned about something.
" it's for us silly . Now stop asking questions and just relax." I responded so sweetly and softly.
That's exactly what Mattie did. I took the blindfold and placed it over his eyes which completely made me a little nervous because I could see it and do when he was breathing.
" ok this doesn't seem so bad right now." He responded nervously with a cute little nervous  chuckle. Next I took the handcuffs and locked Mattie's hands to the bed post with him laying on his back.
" Why are there handcuffs on me?!," he asked
" I told you to relax babe and that I have this under control." I responded so seductively
" Josh you know I don't like to be man handled especially not during sex." He responded with a nervousness that I could see his heart beating out of his chest. Oh and trust and believe that this was too much fun and I was going to enjoy this. Like I said I knew what I was doing.
" Josh whatever you are thinking of doing while I'm in these handcuffs and blind you better not do it because I promise you whenever I get out of these handcuffs you are so going to wish you had listened to me." he replied with this gruff and commanding voice.
" Ohhh I love it when you talk dirty mister" I whispered in his ear.
I could feel his hard on within his pants as I trailed my fingers down his body, his entire body shivering from my touch. Then I did them unthinkable (well to him it was the unthinkable, but to me it was something I have been dying to do since I laid eyes on him from day one.)

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