Chapter 8

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Alex's POV:

Hello again audience!  I hope you didn't forget about me and my lovely face, did you? Well If you did please blame it on the author and not me because as you know the author is the one writing the story, and I am just along for the ride.

So I'm just going to pick up where the author left off and that just happens to be when I am leaving Joshua and Mattie boy alone and am headed off to get a quick bite to eat because I haven't had anything to eat since this morning. As I am waiting in line for waffle fries from the chick-fil-a at Susquehanna Food Service in the Student Union I accidentally bump into Veronica and am completely dumbfounded because my nerves get the best of me and I can't think straight when im nervous.

"Hey Alex!! How are your theater classes going this semester?" she asked

All I could do was stare at her and become completely engulfed by her lovely curves and edges and her smile. Oh God that smile would win you millions of dollars. She has the most beautiful smile audience and I must say that it is her smile that completely melts my heart and soul.

"Hey Alexxxxx. Alexxxx. Alex!!!" she said, which completely snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I asked in response.

"hahaha. You must have been seriously drifting off to la la land my friend. I asked you how your semester was going and how your classes were treating you." she responded.

"Oh!! They are going just great!! Today we received a new student, and he actually is a replication of me belie it or not. He wants to go on Broadway and then eventually wants to retire and become a teacher and teach theater for high schoolers." I responded.

"Really?!? I never thought that there could be another Alex walking on campus. Haha Well I need to be prepared when it's time to meet this new Alex look alike." She said giggling while putting her hands in front of her mouth.

"Yeah I guess so." I responded while rubbing the back of my neck.

"So I'm going to let you go my friend because I don't want you to be late for your final class, but do you mind meeting me back here at the Susquehanna?" she asked

Wait did she just asked me to meet her back here at the Susquehanna? I mean my heart literally did a backflip out of pure joy and excitement of her just asking me a friendly question. I literally could have died right then and there, but I need to come back into reality so I can answer her question and not look like a total dweeb ...

"No, not at all. I sure can meet you back here. Say around 5 or 6pm?"  I responded

"Fine by me. I look forward to seeing you afterwards. Ta ta my friend." She responded and waved her hands good-bye at me while walking out of the café union.

All I could do was stare at her beauty and secretly crush and ask if she would be mine and only mine forever. I really want her to become my girl, I want her to become my everything. I want her to become my life, my air. God, I love that girl, but am completely scared to even talk to her.

I looked at my cell phone for the time and realized that I only had like 5 minutes to get to class, and without even a hesitation I began to practically jog run to my next class.
By the time my final class of the day was over I was completely tired and just wanted to go back to my dorm and crash asleep, but like always I'm a person that keeps his promises and I took my skinny ass back to the Student Union. When I got there it was the dinner rush, and there was also no Veronica either.
"She must be a little late" I thought to myself, and proceeded to go buy myself a shrimp salad and waffle fries from the union food court.
Right as I am about to dig into my dinner I hear a familiar voice speak to me:
"Same old dinner. Isn't it time to do something different?"
I turned and smiled seeing the beautiful person and figure who has completely stolen my heart yet I'm too much of a coward to even speak to her.
"Not if you like being traditional like me." I responded and then continued on to eat my dinner.

Before Veronica sat down she herself also went and bought food and came back. I noticed she ordered what she usually gets which is a chicken sandwich, waffle fries, a chocolate chip cookie, and a Pure Leaf Lemonade Ice Tea.

"Same old dinner. Isn't it time to do something different?" I asked her with a mocking sound and smile.
"O hush up you vegetarian goof ball." She shot back.
All I could do was laugh while also going into my bag to get out a water bottle. After taking two big ole sips of water to wash down my food it became a little quite minus the other noise of classmates and students coming and going. To be honest it felt like the world had stopped and time paused just for the two of us.  My heart at this moment was completely beating too fast and I felt like it was going to explode. So I had to do something to break this awkward silence.
"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked

"What do you mean?" she responded in question.

"Well before I ran off to my next class you asked me to meet you back here once I was finished with classes." I responded
"Oh!! Yeah now I remember. The reason being is because I wanted to..... Umm I wanted to..." she said.
At this point I'm a little concerned because Veronica is never scared or silent when it comes to talking to me, and it was very peculiar, but being a gentleman I waited for her to finish what she was going to say. Then all of a sudden she placed a purple notebook in front of me and completely walked off like she had seen a ghost. I just sat there trying to figure out what had just happened. How the girl of my dreams was literally sitting in front of my no more than 1 second ago and then she just left and all she did was leave me with a purple notebook with the inscription of "For Alex with love from Veronica". If you think I was completely puzzled then you are right. I actually didn't know what to say or do, and all I could do was father put the last bit of my food, place it in my backpack, grab Veronica's notebook that she left for me and head off to my dorm.
I wonder what's in this purple notebook that Veronica left for me and I also wonder why she was so nervous to talk to me?

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