Chapter 5

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We debriefed her on everything that had happened. Then, we asked her if she could get a lot of water.

"So you pissed off a lava monster," Sage said.

"There's a little more to it than that," Cassie said, glancing at me. "But that's a story for another time."

Did she know about Zero?

"Okay," Sage said with a sigh. " are we going to stop Ms. Loving?"

"With my help."

Sierra flashed in next to me. If I had been paying attention, I would have seen her coming.

Her eyes had also turned a deep, dark red, I noticed, whereas Adam had bright red eyes and the same power set. Could that be a side effect? Like healing made you live forever?

"Where did you go? I though you were right behind me," Cassie said.

"I waited to watch where she headed," Sierra replied. "She went downtown."

"Well, that's just perfect," Sage said.

"Great," I said.

"No, I mean that's actually a good thing. The river is down there. Maybe I can channel some of that water onto Ms. Loving and dry her out that way."

"Good idea," I said. "But how are we going to get her there?"

"Lightning probably doesn't affect her," Sierra wondered aloud.

"It doesn't. I tried," I said.

"Laser vision?"

"Probably not," I said.

Sage turned to Cassie. "Can you use your telekinesis to push her around a little?"

"I doubt it. From what I saw, she's literally like living fire," Cassie said. "She'll only turn solid when she wants to. I could try trapping her, promises."

That reminded me of what I had pulled off before sending Ms. Loving in demon mode. "If only I could use my force field," I muttered.

I put my thumb and index finger close together and concentrated. A tic-tac-sized ball of undulating energy formed in the center.

I pulled my fingers away, and it dissipated. I may have been able to do that, but a real one would be a lot more trouble.

"Jay and I can make a wind barrier to guide her while Cassie tries to contain her," Sierra said. "Right, Jay?"

I looked up quickly. "Yeah," I said.

"Let's go, then. We don't have much time." Sage left the school and sped toward the direction of the river.

Sierra was close behind, flying out instead of running. I guess there were less obstacles in the air.

Now, Cassie and I were the only ones left.

"Hop on." I jerked my thumb over my back, talking to Cassie. "You'll probably want to close your eyes, too."

She moved towards me, but then she hesitated before getting on. "Won't this make me nauseous?"

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