Chapter 25

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After the enormous onslaught of panic threatening to overwhelm my body began to settle in, I gave into my stress-eating habits and went to breakfast.

I sat on my own in the corner again despite Ashley's inviting look as I passed their table. I didn't think Ben and I were ready for that yet, much as I regretted it.

I went to the showers to wash off before preparing for Ashley's training for the day. The beginning-to-be-normal activities helped me sort out my jumbled thoughts.

Zero was more of a mystery now more than ever. But if I had any doubt there was something wrong with him before, the scene that had unfolded in my room only confirmed it.

I wondered what could possibly hurt him. An internal injury, maybe? It could be related to how he came to be. After all, you rarely escaped an explosion of unidentified energy unscathed. Or at all, really.

I looked over at my dresser from my bed. The files rested on top of my school work.

Zero hadn't done that when he came in...had he been in here before? Was I so much of a heavy sleeper that everything got around me while I was conked out?

The intercom called for Ben again. The requests were getting more and more frequent. It must've been a jungle out there. Criminals were probably having a payday.

Then, an idea occurred in my head.

Without asking for Ashley's permission, I burst through the back doors of the facility and took off at a slow 100 miles per hour.

I missed being able to run freely like this. My skin tingled as energy swirled around me. The wind I was kicking up cushioned me from the full rays of the sun, which shone uninterrupted by clouds in the sky.

I was running in the opposite direction of the road that took Ashley and me to our training site. I wanted to know what was down there.

Secretly, I hoped I would find a town. I wanted to interact with some humans- real people, not my messed up MARAD comrades- in a normal environment. The situation would help me relax a little.

Deep down, I knew I was really running from responsibility. The stress Zero was putting on me was finally beginning to kick in, and I had to get away from it.

I found just what I was looking for. Evidence of a populated area began to show around me: power lines (which weren't there before), gas stations, and the noxious smell permeating the air that alerted me to a paper mill nearby. Though, I couldn't see it due to the trees blocking my view on the sides.

But soon, the trees got smaller and became more scarce. Then, I passed the entrance to a large neighborhood, and I realized I had found a major city.

As businesses became more frequent on my path, I looked for something to do.

I passed a small shop with a pair of scissors on the front. Not wanting to stop, I kept going. But a few minutes later, I zoomed back.

I entered the barber shop with a wary eye. I didn't come to these places often. But I noticed that my hair was beginning to become a nuisance; it was growing long enough to get in my eyes when I ran, and now was the perfect time to get that problem fixed.

It was a small shop, with eight seats and only a small couch next to the door. The whole place actually looked nice. The polished tile floor went well with the burgundy-colored furniture, and the black seats reminded me of the barber shops in the movies. The atmosphere was peaceful, and as I came in, all of the barbers watched me carefully. I was a newcomer, and the bell on the door revealed my presence immediately.

The population didn't escape my notice. I was afraid I didn't fit in there. But even so, I was determined to make sure they got a good impression of me.

I gave them all a nervous wave and scanned the room for empty seats. Each of them replied kindly, but I saw them looking at me out of the corners of their eyes. 

Fortunately for me, there was no line, and I found an open spot at the back. I approached the man slowly.

"How are you doing?" I stretched out a hand.

The burly man smiled and shook my hand back. He seemed friendly enough. "Good. What can I do for you today?"

I took that as confirmation that he had dealt with cutting hair like mine before. I told him what kind of cut I wanted, and he obliged happily.

As he pulled out a pair of scissors, he asked me if I was sure about the kind of style I was looking to get. I replied promptly.

"No matter how you do it, I won't complain. Snip away."

The man laughed at that.

Clumps of my hair began to fall down and landed on the barber's sheet covering me. The Sanex strip felt a little too tight, but I didn't complain.

The other men in the room relaxed after they were sure I was a decent guy. I couldn't blame them. I would make sure I got the right kind of business if I was running a shop, too.

Before I knew it, my cut was finished. I waited for him to show me my reflection, angsty.

He put some alcohol around my head and sprayed an unidentified substance around my hair, though it smelled pleasant. Then, he showed me what I looked like.

I grinned. I got exactly what I wanted.

The sides and the back were cut down to military length. However, at the top, my hair stuck up in short spikes.

I paid the man and left the store feeling fresh. Those guys didn't seem like a bad bunch. Not at all.

The sound of alarms met my ears.

My eyes narrowed. Who would steal at this time of day?

A metahuman.

I quickly found the source of the loud ringing. A bank was being robbed not far from my location.

I was going to stop whoever was trying to use their newfound powers to get the upper hand.

This was a job for Jay West.

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