Chapter 26

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In a blur, I was in the bank. 

Inside, I flew past the main area. Bodies littered the floor- three of them police, the others regular workers and customers. I checked one of their pulses: they were alive, and there was no blood anywhere. 

My legs carried me into the place that contained the vault. The walls were a stainless steel grey, and a one-way hallway led to the giant- but locked- vault door. The lights were flickering in and out back here so much that visibility was little. Even so, I could make out the male figure hunched over the door.

I slowly crept up behind the man. He was dressed in all black clothes and wore a skinny black hoodie with the hood up. He hadn't seen me yet, so intent he was on opening the vault. 

I peered over his shoulder. He appeared to be setting a charge. He was going to blow the door right off its hinges.

"Ahem," I coughed.

The man turned around.  He wore a ski mask to cover his identity.

"That bomb looks a little big," I said. 

His eyes widened, and I saw fear build up behind them. He had just set the timer to five minutes.

"I'm taking you to jail, buddy," I said with a grin. "Please, feel free to resist." I raised my fist to knock him out.

"No, please! My family!" He raised his hands protectively over his face. 

His cry caused me to halt. "Okay, what about them?" I eyed the bomb latched onto the door. 

"I really need this money," he said, getting up to his feet. His voice shook erratically. He was nervous.

Was this his first time robbing a bank?

The flickering light cast a half-shadow over his face. "I was just going to take it and replace it later. We're about to lose our house. I-I'm not a criminal. I just need the money to pay the rent..."

"But you're robbing a bank," I pointed out. "In the middle of the day, no less."

He seemed harmless enough. I could at least have a conversation with him.

"Well, what else am I supposed to do?" He threw up his hands. "I'll do whatever it takes to look after my family. I can't let them be exposed to the streets. My son is still a toddler, and I just lost my job. We have no money."

I felt pity for the man. "Then don't steal. Do what you can, but don't take other people's money. You're only putting them in the same position you have to deal with now."

He looked away briefly, turning that over in his head. 

"I can't," he said, sighing out his apology. "I'm sorry."

He raised his hand, and a brilliant light erupted from his palm. I connected my arms above me to make a force field. But it couldn't block light.

When it dimmed, I opened my eyes. They hurt badly, and I blinked rapidly.

"That should've incapacitated you." His voice was filled with disbelief.  

"Well, it didn't. And that stunt just landed you a ticket in prison," I said angrily. I approached him, my fists clenched. 

I opened my eyes fully, but all I could see was the back of my eyelids. I kept blinking and rubbed them.

"You idiot! You blinded me!" I exclaimed.

"I said sorry! You'll get your vision back in a little bit." I heard his footsteps move past me.

I did a 180. "You have to disarm the bomb. It looks too big."

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