Chapter 30

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We exited the room quickly, relieved to find Zero in his cell instead of out here with us. The man stared at us as we passed by.

I led our small group with my fists clenched at my sides, feet slapping against the floor noisily, and my eyes glowing misty blue. I hated Zero more than I had before. What purpose did he have for the total destruction of the human race?

Or was that just a distraction for something else?

I stopped in the center of Zero's cell, looking at him with disgust. His energy was entirely green, something I wasn't understanding. I had to find out what it meant.

He was resting his head against the left wall, but upon us entering his field of vision, he straightened up and plastered a big smile on his face.

"I never thought Ashley would take you down here," he said with a nod to her, talking to me. "Good job getting her to do it. At least you don't have to crawl through the-"

I panicked. If Jeremiah found out what I had been doing at night, he would freak out.

Jeremiah was still an unknown. I wasn't sure of the extent of his powers, and the last thing I wanted was to agitate him. I would treat him in the same way as Zero.

"What do you want?" I cut him off.

He paused, then smiled again. "Well, you did why I asked, so I guess I have to tell you."

He hurled himself against the barrier separating us and Ashley, Jeremiah and I all jumped back.

He laughed. "Huh. I was hoping I would get that reaction."

Energy flared around him, and he crumpled to the floor. He began to writhe, much like before.

I banged my fist against the bars. "Tell me what's wrong with you!" I yelled.

His body relaxed on the ground. His convulses stopped as soon as they began.

Zero slowly regained his composure. He stood up, eye to eye with me. Only a hair's length and metal bars separated us.

"How are you always getting out of here? And why do you keep coming back?"

"You already know the answer to one of those questions," he said quietly, looking at me. "The same reason why this cell won't work on you."

Jeremiah huffed next to me. He thought I knew something he didn't.

There was so little I could do from this side of the bars.

"Let me in there," I turned to Jeremiah.

"Are you crazy?" He narrowed his eyes. "After what we've just found out?"

"I don't think much is keeping him here." I glanced at Zero, still hugging the bars tightly, no hint of a grin on his face now. "He won't act up unless he wants to."

Jeremiah, knowing I was right, produced a gold-colored card from his pocket and held it out for me.

As I reached for it, he pulled it back so he could say this: "You better know what you're doing, Jay."

I nodded my head solemnly. I understood the severity of the situation.

Once it was in my possession, I waved it in front of the bars. As expected, they moved to opposite ends of the floor and the ceiling, splitting in the middle. I stepped inside, keeping my eye on Zero, before waving the card and slipping it through the opening before the bars reassessed themselves.

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