Chapter 3

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I woke up to the light of the sun burning through my eyes. The singing of the birds being a first nice thing to listen to while waking up. I stretch my arms and legs, trying to adjust to being awake again.

Its Saturday.  It's the day In which Jason will give his last breath.

I immediately get my phone out, starting to text Jason. I am texting him, telling him to meet me here in the park at 5pm. It is just 8am, so I will use the rest of the day to enjoy my life for once, exploring the city I am in, Chicago.

I walk through the crowded streets, a mixture of tourists and residents walking in all directions by my side. I keep walking and walking, getting lost in such an amazing city as Chicago is.

I take a glance at my clock after countless hours visiting breathtaking places of the city, 4:39pm.

I start walking towards the park, preparing myself to see Jason for the last time.

As I reach the main entrance of the park, my breathing starts to accelerate, just thinking about what I am about to do is capable of giving me a weird sensation in my stomach and making my heart beat faster than ever.

I go straight to where I told him to meet me; in a secluded part of the park, where no one will see him, or me.

When I near one of the darkest edges of the park I start preparing myself for what I am about to do. Starting to get anxious I decide to look at the time on my clock, 5:01pm. He will he here soon.

"Charlotte!" I turn around to look at Jason standing right in front of me, looking directly into my eyes.

"Hello Jason." I am trying to act neutral, trying to act like if nothing is about to happen.

"Why did you wanna see me? Did something bad happen?" He looks worried while saying this, showing me that he somehow cares about me.

"No. Don't worry, nothing happened" I sigh "I wanted to see you because there is something I need to do." As I say this I start grabbing the hidden gun in my back.

I start moving the gun towards him, my hands are trembling, like if they had never shot a person before. They are trembling more and more. I am now aiming the gun at him, he looks scared, he is about to shout, but I stop him.

"Please! Don- don't shout, dont scream. I won't harm you, I promise."

He gives me a skeptical but at the same time curious and frightened look as I finally make my mind up about what I am going to do.

I drop the gun to the floor, forgetting about killing him or being a hitman. I deserve to be happy, don't I?

"I am sorry Jas-" I stop myself from talking as I see the man in the black hoodie, standing in front of me. Holding a gun towards Jason's head.

"Charlotte! What is going on?!" Jason now looks paler than ever, his eyes are extremely opened and he has a facial expression impossible to describe.

"SHUT UP BOY! Keep talking and you will die!" The guy in the black hoodie had his jaw clenched, hands in shape of fists and an intimidating expression in his face.

"Dont! DONT YOU DARE TO TOUCH HIM!" As i say this adrenaline was running through my veins, i had never felt so threatened and angry in my whole life.


It only took a matter of seconds for me to pick the gun from the floor and aim a bullet to the head of the guy in the black hoodie. I watch as the bullet penetrates into his head, and he lets his now dead body fall on to the ground. I killed him.

In all this happening I hadn't seen Jason's face. I turn to look at him and he is standing there, still, not daring to move an inch.

"Charlotte. What is going on?" He doesn't sound scared or anxious to my surprise, he just sounds curious, wanting to know what is happening.

It takes me a couple of minutes to explain everything that has happened to me since I left school, all my missions and targets. Different places I have been to and the variety of people I have met.

"I am really sorry Jason. This was only a job, but now" I sigh, and I am trying to contain the tears that have been fighting to fall. "But now, I will go back to school and I will be happy."

"Don't worry, you have nothing to be sorry about." In that exact time he doesn't have the usual smile he always has. He looks different, older, he has a grin on his face.

"Why is that?" That is all I manage to say. Why.

"Because" He starts his sentence, but he never finishes. I am so lost in my thoughts that I don't notice what is going on, when suddenly.


I feel as the cold bullet penetrates into my chest, feeling like if it belongs in me, it slides through everything so easily. My body falls onto the ground, my eyes are starting to close, But i won't let them. Not until I make one last question.

"W- why? Jason, why?" I feel as my chest is bleeding, more and more blood sliding out of my body, like the life I have left in me.

"Because It was my mission to kill you my dear" WIth my eyes blurring I can manage to see a smile on his face. "You see, the only difference between you and me is that I would never, ever, give myself to such thing as love."

The words penetrate into my soul, taking the last piece of life I had left in me. Without me noticing, my eyes start to shut down, giving away to the darkness of death.

                                                                        THE END.

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