I Love You, Dark

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(Darkiplier's Perspevtive)

I just made the biggest mistake ever...

Not only have I risked Sarah's life, but now Lucy's life.

"All for those who vote for the King of Shadows, stand with him."

At least four hundred eighty-seven demons stood with Shadowplier.

"For those who vote for Darkiplier, stand with him."

At first, no one decided to go with me.

Not until another darker side of Antisepticeye from the other side came out and then stood by me.

Then mad!Cry came from the crowd, then Glitchiplier and a few others.

One by one, they all started leaving Shadow and came to me.

I can tell that he was getting pissed, but it made me grin.

Now all the demons were standing with me, with none with Shadow.

"Grr! I guess you win," he said, "Take her! Just take her before I change my mind..."

He ordered his stronger shadow minion to let Sarah go. The stronger guy just pushed her over to my direction, I caught her in my arms and looked at her.

"Why did you risk our lives," she sobbed, "You scared me when you said that..."

"Please forgive me," I said in a calm, soothing tone, "I only did that just to make him change his mind."

I made her look up at me, she was in tears, but I wiped them away and looked deep in her hazel eyes.

"You know what's nice about being in love," I asked.


"I get to look at this beautiful girl every day."

I gently set my left hand on her cheek and held her face.

"I want to treat you like a princess and make sure you get loved by me and Anti. We truly care about you and we always will."

Then I just let my lips come next to hers and stayed there like that, holding her by her waist, not letting go of her.

(Sarah's Perspective)

With our lips together, I just felt lost in this very moment, in our love.

I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turned around and was face to face with Shadowplier.

"I'm sorry," he said, "I shouldn't have done this to you. You deserve to be with him instead of me."

Then he turned around and walked away with his head down.

I felt bad for him. I did.

I left from Darkiplier's arms, went and followed Shadow and took one of his hands.

"What are you doing," he asked.

"I forgive you," I answered.

"Why? I tortured you and almost killed you."

"I've already been tortured before and almost died by my adoptive dad. I know what it's like to not feel like you wanted someone and I want to say that you're not alone with that."

I hugged him and let take it in.

"Just because you can't marry me doesn't mean that you have to be sad. We can still be friends."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. And I guess I can still give you a little something."

A New Life With Demons {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now