Her Drawings

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(Anti's Perspective)

Something about that storm was a little mysterious...

It seemed like the weather can be controlled however Lucy is feeling.

After that lightning struck down, it must've scared her and made her cry, which then it was raining after she came after for me.

"Daddy," I heard her say, "Daddy, wake up! I want to show you something!"

"I'm awake," I said tiredly, "I'm awake... What do you want to show me?"

"I have a new friend."

"Oh? Who is this friend?"

"His name is Tim!"

Then she held up a piece of paper with a drawing of a brown box with small arms, blue eyes and a smiley face.

"But it's a drawing," I said.

"But he's my friend," she said.

I could've swore, I saw the arms of the box move to make it look like it was waving hello.

Then it reached out it's hand and the hand came through the paper. Then all of it came out of the paper and clapped while smiling.

"Hello," it said, "I'm Tiny Box Tim!"

"Hello," I said confused, "Lucy, how did you make this drawing come to life?"

"I don't know," she said, "Does it make me a bad person?"

"No no, of course not. It doesn't make you a bad person at all."

Tiny box Tim hopped over towards Lucy.

"Yay! Tiny box Tim! You're real," Lucy cheered.

She picked him up, hugged him and laughed. She looked so happy it made my heart melt.

"Can I call you Uncle Anti," she asked, "I'm only getting myself more confused between you and Daddy."

"Of course you can," I answered with a smile, "I'm perfectly fine with that. Let's get you something to eat, I bet you must be hungry."

"I am."

(Darkiplier's Perspective)

I found myself in wet bed sheets. My boxers were wet as well, for some strange reason.

"Oh for fuck sake," I said to myself, "Did I have myself a wet dream?"

I uncovered my sheets and found my boxers soaked with my love.

"What is wrong with me? This has been the seventh time this happened."

I got out of bed, went to my closet, ripped off my love soaked boxers and just put on the black and red leopard robe.

Then I grabbed the bed sheets and threw them in the washing machine.

She said that she was going to come back last night, but she's still not here.

Maybe I'm just thinking about her too much, that could be the reason of these wet dreams.

I went downstairs as I rubbed my eyes and sat down in a chair by the kitchen.

"Good morning Daddy," I hear Lucy say.

"Hello sweetie," I said while still waking up.

"I made a new friend. Do you want to see him?"

"Not right now, sweetie. Daddy is still trying to wake up..."

"Come on, Lucy. Let's give him some space. How bout you show me some of your other drawings?"

"Okay, Uncle Anti."

They left the kitchen to give me some space and went upstairs.

"Oh Sarah... I miss you... Your daughter misses you, too..."

I just laid my head down on the table and waited.

I was waiting so long that I fell asleep again.

(Anti's Perspective)

"How did you make your drawing come to life," I asked.

"I still don't know," Lucy answered.

"Draw me a simple object, like a chocolate cake."


Lucy grabbed a few brown crayons and a marker. She also grabbed a new piece of paper.

She used the marker and drew a small rectangle. She drew another one on top of it, but not where it would touch. She grabbed the regular brown colored crayon and scribbled it between the two rectangles. Then she took the dark brown crayon, drew above the top rectangle and covered some of the rectangle.

"A yummy chocolate cake," Lucy said, "Wait! I almost forgot something."

She grabbed a red and yellow crayon. She took the red crayon and made three small vertical rectangles. Then with the yellow crayon some circles above them.

"What are the red things," I asked.

"Candles," Lucy answered, "Now it's a chocolate birthday cake."

"That's nice."

I reached out to it, but my hand went through the paper and I was touching it.


I put my other hand through, grabbed the cake with both hands and slowly pulled it out of the paper.

Now it was physically a chocolate cake with red candles. Even the candles on top were lit.

"Now I've seen everything," I said, "I think in order for the picture to be an actual object or person, you just need to say what the object or person is."

"Yay! That's awesome," Lucy said, "I can't wait to see how Daddy will be like when he sees this."

"How bout we color and draw outside," I suggested, "It is a lovely day outside."

"Okay. Um, Uncle Anti?"


"Will you help me carry some of my coloring crayons outside?"

"Of course I can carry your crayons outside."

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