Practice By Fighting

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"In order for you to beat Shadowplier, we'll need to improve your speed, agility and fighting skills."

"But what skill do I have to focus on?"

"Doesn't matter, we just need to improve on them."

We went to the open space outside, Anti had something in his hands, but I couldn't see what it was.

"Shadowplier can be quick at times," he continued, "So you always want to be aware and think fast about it."

"Right," I replied, "That's why I always have my pocket knife with."

"Yeah, but I think he's wanting to use more than just knives..."

"Oh... I know what you mean. Any sort of weapon that a murderer would use to kill their prey."

"But for now, we should focus on the other stuff. Think fast!"

Then something was thrown at me, I quickly moved to the left to dodge the object.

"That was some pretty awesome dodging," Anti said, "Lets see if you can dodge this!"

Another object was thrown at me, I quickly moved to the right and dodged the object.

More objects were thrown at me, but I just kept on dodging them like a boss.

(haha, Jacksepticeye reference!)

"It seems like your dodging skills are outstanding," he said, "Now show me yer fighting skills and strength. Hit me."

"Are you sure," I asked.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."


I put up my fists and swung a punch at his shoulder. I missed, but I swung another punch at his other shoulder.

"You're not trying. Come on!"

He put up his own fists and swung a punch over at my face. I ducked and managed to knock one of his legs down, making him fall down to the ground.

Anti scooted back and pushed him back in the air and on his feet.

"Not bad, not bad. Any other moves you got?"

"I've got a few moves."

I walked backwards a few feet away from him. Then I sprinted over at him, did a cartwheel and kicked him in the face. Anti flew back and hit himself against a tree.

"Beautiful roundhouse..."

"Hehe, sorry."

I went over to him and helped him back on his feet.

"What's all the commotion going on with you two," I heard Dark say from the house, "It's only three in the morning..."

"Were testing out our fighting skills," Anti answered and did a fake smile.

"Ugh... Close enough..."

Then he went back inside.

"Wanna get a slushy," I asked.

"Nah," Anti answered, "I'm fine."

"Come on... They have the best slushies ever! You got to try one!"

"The last time someone had one, they were on a sugar high."

"Ok fine... Besides, I don't want to be late for school tomorrow. Might as well go back to bed and get some more sleep."

"Can I cuddle you?"


"Sometimes I find myself cuddling a pillow and I just want to see what it's like to cuddle someone."

"You know what you remind me of, Anti?"


"You're like Cody and Felix together."

"Really? Hehe, thank you."

"I guess I can let you be my cuddle buddy."

"Yay! Maybe that'll help me get some sleep."

"But of course I have to go to school when its time."

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