The faces rushing by
Look more beautiful than a dream
As the faces they rush on by
They're soon lost amongst the crowd
And the faces rushing by
They can not speak or hear my thoughts
And the faces rushing by
Are soon lost before I talk
Some more faces rush on by
Yes, they are old, but some are young
Some more faces rushing by
Can not hold their masks for long
I see their pain, I see their joy
I see their laughter as they flee
Yet not one face, will look at me
As I sit here beneath my tree
All alone in sea of faces
Just too busy to be free.
Poems in the Dark
PoesiaShort exploratory poetry.. and some fun. Feelings, Questions. Statements. NOW Includes A new form of poetry I spend hours and days designing and developing. I call it "Twiin Poetry" or a "Twiin Poem" Its two poems that can be read a...