Sweet dreams

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"Mmm..." you awoke in your bed feeling a bit dizzy. "What the hell.. Ugh my head.." you felt warm but yet vary cold at the same time. You look down to see the man who had just gave you the most pleasure you had felt in a long time. His eye lids looks so soft with his long eyelashes closed and mouth slightly open seeing his pointy fangs. He looked so calm and relaxed. "No wonder it's cold. I've just slept with a corpse". You looked down to see him shirtless. " That's not nice y/n.. after everything we've done last night. You begging me to-" "W-What?! What did we do?!!" You were panicked knowing you were a virgin trying to save it for someone vary special. "Mhahahaha relax princess. I was only kidding you remember me grinding on you though right." He smiled with a toothy grin. Most people would find it like some crazy smile out of a horror film. But it suited him perfectly, "Awe you like my smile that's so sweet" "w-what! N-no I don't!" Way to go y/n I totally forgot he drank my blood last night. So he knows what I'm thinking. Crap! What do I think of ah.. you began looking around to take your mind of things. "You have an amazing body by the way." His hands slid along your sides. "a-ah.. Stop! That's cold.. You took of my new dress!?" You grabbed your covers trying to hide your flawless body. "Aww come on princess I've seen it all.. besides it was dirty.." he gave another smile. You blushed madly, everything?.. "come now sleep with me it's going to be morning soon" his hand grabbed your head and gently put it on his chest. He stroked your hair and hummed to you. Wow for a vampire he's vary human like.. besides his weird personality.. Your eyelids started to get heavy. This is nice.. I could get used to this.. and with that you fell asleep in the vampires arms.

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