Author's Note

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This bit is probably quite important, so maybe don't skip it? Yano? Just sayin...

1) All rights of this book go to @smye56 etc. etc. I don't own Dan or Phil but I own the rest mwahahaha so yeah don't copy OR TRANSLATE this book with my prior permission (you have to ask me before you do anything and i have to say yes or it's illegal yano) and yeah just don't pls

2) There's probably gonna be quite a few grammar issues because i'm so lazy and i never re-read stuff so rip if you're a grammar nazi (but aren't we all deep down) and also sorry is there aren't capitals in some places i've turned off automatically making letter capitals because i can so "i"s and the start of sentences will probably be lower case unless i remember to make them capital.

3) this book is FICTION not everything is 100% ACCURATE some stuff may be inaccurate ON PURPOSE. if there's a mistake, feel free to point it out if it seems accidental, but don't if someone has already said something yeah? k cool.

4) Things you cannot change about the main character in this book:

-Gender (female), sorry! Maybe i'll make a gender fluid one in the future, but not for my first fanfiction.
-Age (22)
-Interests (art/design)
-Best Friend (Emma, 22, also loves art)
- skin colour??? (white) this one makes me uncomfortable and there probably won't be many references to it but i might forget and assume the reader is white just because i'm white and i often base stuff off me with X Readers because you don't have a character profile to refer to yano so sorry if this upsets you eek
-you have long hair, again doubt there'll be references to this but there might be the occasional "hair fluttered in the wind" etc etc
-Your love for Dan Howell ;)))
if you've got a problem with this, get off my story tf😂

5) bold = authors note unless otherwise said/suggested yeeee

7) they'll be swearing

okay enjoy the story sorry this is so long eeeekkkkk

(if you noticed i missed no. 6 here's a gold star)

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