Do You Love Me?

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The long black haired girl smiled watching the brown haired boy walk past her without acknowledging her. "Jessica," the brown haired high school boy yelled watching the blond haired girl walk to him from the opposite direction, "I love you!" The black haired girl watched them with a cold grin plastered on her face from within the shadows.

"I'm going home, I have to study for the ACT," Jessica said hugging him and pulling away.

He nodded in understanding, "alright, I'm going to be home alone if you want come over."

"I can't," Jessica said frowning, "I have to babysit, but you're more than welcome to come over."

The brown haired boy shook his head, "no, just call me later, it's getting late." With that said they both parted ways from school but the black haired girl had disappeared from where she had stood in the shadows.

The brown haired boy drove home knowing he would be welcomed by no one in his empty house. He opened his front door glancing at the setting sun before walking into his home and locking the front door.

The brown haired boy walked into the kitchen to find a note left on the kitchen counter.


There's food in the fridge. Dad's business meeting was extended and I have to work the night shift at the hospital. Lock the door and bed by nine. Love, mom'

Is what the note read. The brown haired boy opened the fridge with a laugh, mentally commenting how he would not be in bed before nine. His mother had failed to realize he was a seventeen year old, capable of doing whatever he wanted, not a nine year old.

He shut the fridge pulling out the plate his mother had prepared for him earlier. The fridge door swung closed and familiar figure walked out of view once again.

The boy set the plate on the counter looking out the window before turning and looking into the living room to see something written on the TV's screen. He noticed the words and walked closer to the television to see what it said. As he got closer he read, "do you love me?"

He made a confused expression and turned back to the kitchen. Walking into the kitchen he saw, "do you love me?" written directly in front of the plate in a bright red lipstick. Frightened, the boy turned to the living room to see a familiar black haired female standing in the middle of the room.

The boy shrieked in horror and ran towards the front door. He opened the door and the same black haired female stood blocking his path. He screamed and slammed the door in her face running up his house stairs and into his room.

Once inside his room he slammed his door shut and locked it. He took a step backwards panting in relief feeling he was safe. He turned to observe his room to see, "do you love me?" carved into his walls.

He looked out his bedroom's window to see the black haired female standing in the lawn looking directly at him. He turned and screamed in horror looking at bedroom's closet to see the body of the black haired female. "I got rid of you," he screamed staring at her dead body, "I killed you!"

The black haired girl stood directly behind the boy and whispered in a raspy voice in his right ear, sending chills down his spine, "do you love me?"


Jessica called the brown haired boy to surprisingly be answered on the first ring. "Hello," she called hearing the line connect, "hello?" She got no response.

The brown haired boy lay on his bedroom floor with his cell phone opened beside him. The black haired girl petting his head and smiling gently, "do you love me?" The brown haired boy stared at phone hearing the blond haired girl's voice. He had killed his exgirlfriend in a fit of rage after she had said she never loved him when he proposed he wanted to break up with her to be with, his current girlfriend, Jessica.

He stared at the phone with cold eyes as he sat up and reached for his pistol from his dresser. The boy pressed the gun to the side of his head and the black haired girl pressed the phone to his ear. He looked at the black haired girl as he clicked off the safety and spoke calmly, "do you love me?" With that said, the only sound Jessica heard after that was a loud bang.

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