Almost Perfect Suicide

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Almost Perfect Suicide? ~A short story~


I counted the number of pills in the bottle. Thirty-seven.

Thirty-five minus the two I just took. "Hm." I stare at the wall with a crooked grin on my face. "Let's see.." I turned and looked at the blood covering the floor tilting my head. "Such a pretty color...huh.."

The droplets of blood remind me of rain... I stand and look at the bathroom counter again, "let's see...let's see.." The counter has my bloody hand print smeared on its surface and I grin running my fingers over the items before me. "Aw... I got it dirty..." I pick up the blood covered revolver laughing lightly, "awwww."

Pushing out the chamber, I purse my lips together in disappointment, "just one? Boo.." I grin again spinning the chamber with my finger before pressing it back in, "guess one's all I really need.." I laugh slipping it into my back pocket.

I grab the cigarette pack from the counter walking out the bathroom. The entire house smells of burning plastic and burning everything... I laugh as I walk closer to the kitchen smelling the smoke imitating from there. The fire has already reached the walls and is quickly climbing across them to envelop everything else its flames. I sigh, "not much time left..." It's getting harder to breathe..

Pouting, I pull out a cigarette from the pack, slipping it between my lips before leaning foreward against the now fire covered wall. It lights and I rotate on my heels walking away and the flames follow engulfing everything in fire. The foundations and walls of the house start to crack and cave in.

I yawn, "almost..." The blood continues dripping down my arm from the long vertical slits as I walk back to the bathroom. The blood covered knife sits gleaming on the corner of the counter. The full bathroom tub with the blowdryer on is pulsing with electrity. The blood covered pill bottle sits exactly where I left it. I reach back to my pocket feeling the revolver. "Almost..." I flick the lit cigartte on the floor.

I walk back into the room and frown knowing what awaits. I close my eyes for a few seconds walking directly in front of the almost empty closet. Putting my hands on my face and cover my eyes before dropping to the floor sobbing. Forcing myself to look through blood covered fingers and barely being able to see through tears as I continuing crying.

After a few more seconds, I stop crying completely and wipe my tears keeping my head down to the floor, so that maybe if I don't see... Maybe it isn't real...

Finally gaining the strength to look, I slowly lift my head to see the body swinging ever so slightly. Another tear slips down my cheek as I stare at helpessly on my knees. "Almost..." The flames start to engulf everything around in flames and I sit there blankly. I could run away...... I could leave right now.... They'd never know....

I grin, "they'd never know I did it." I throw my head back laughing and I push myself up off the floor. I stand feeling the heat eminating off the walls and flames nipping at my skin. I walk to the window, pushing it open as I start to climb out looking back to the body swinging in the closet. I grin laughing as I climb out of the burning room.

Once a few feet away I watch the burning house for a few minutes hearing the sirens blaring in the distance. I huff and turn as I start to walk away, "it was almost perfect...." I purse my lips together, "I wonder what they'll think when the body has a gun shot to the head?"

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