The Room

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The Room


"I don't like this place," I whined as we walked into the new house my parents had bought and moved me and my older sister to without our consent.

My sister rolled her eyes, "I pick my room first." She trudged up the stairs and picked the first one she saw from the stairway, "call this one."

I followed her into the room, "fine." I didn't care which room I had. I didn't want to be here, but I followed her inside just wanting to see what it was like.

It was a rather large room. The two large windows provided a good amount of sunlight into the room, the closet was a walk-in one and the closet even had large mirror on the outside of the door. It was a very nice looking room, blue painted walls and carpeted floor. If it wasn't for the strange feeling I got stepping into the room, I might've been jealous.

"This is gonna need work," my sister said with a sigh as she dropped her bag to the floor, "purple walls, black curtains, take that mirror down and this room might just be livable."

I rolled my eyes, "whatever, let's just get our stuff and try to make this work." I walked out of the room and went to the room farthest away from her's. I picked that room, because she plays her rock music all the time and it's annoying to listen to when I'm trying to listen to my own. My parent's were on the first floor, leaving us the entire second floor to ourselves.

After I settled in and had majority of things inside my room. I sat on my bed and I realized I could see inside her room perfectly with both our doors open. I watched as she was unpacking her clothes and putting them inside her dresser. She was already making herself at home, but I still didn't like it here.

I decided I need to move in too, so I got up and started unpacking all my things, hanging up pictures and posters, trying it more homey.

At around nine-ish, my sister wandered into my room asking if she could borrow one of my blankets because her room was cold. I nodded having tons of them, I gave her one. She saw one of my stuffed animals on a shelf and just to be a bitchy older sister she took it, "I like this, I'm going to keep it."

It being a bear and me being used to her taking my things I just shrugged and let her. I didn't think anything of it, she'd get bored of seeing it in her room and give it back eventually. It was late and normally she sleeps with her room door shut, but it being a new house and the first night she kept her door open.

As I laid in bed I watched her as she laid in bed as well. I didn't like the darkness inside her room. It was too dark, but that might've been just because of her black curtains.

I closed my eyes and eventually drifted off to sleep. Eventually I huffed in slight pain and more surprise as I sat up feeling something land on top of me and snap me out of dreamless sleep. When I rubbed the spot where whatever had hit me, I realized it was the bear my sister had taken from me earlier.

I rubbed my head glared at her door which was strangely shut now. I shrugged taking the bear in my hand and setting it on my nightstand, I didn't think anything of it really. She chunked the bear at me and then went back to bed, because she's a bitch older sister like that. I just laid back down and went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up and wandered down stairs for breakfast. "Sleep well," my sister questioned taking my orange and bitting it before giving it back.

"Yeah, was it necessary for you to throw the bear at me," I questioned annoyed and I bit into my orange.

"Bear? What bear," she questioned as if she had almost forgotten, "the stuffed one I took yesterday?"

"Yeah," I answered annoyed, "last night you threw it at me while I was sleeping."

"No I didn't," she said with furrowed brows, "it should still be sitting on my nightstand."

"So I magically just got my bear thrown at me and it's magically just in my room now," I questioned annoyed. I'm not even mad she took it or threw it at me, I'm mad she's lying that she didn't do it.

She just shrugged taking her food up to her room like she normally would. My mom chuckled, "someone already made themself at home."

I felt my lip twitch at her comment, I still didn't want to be here. The rest of the day went on pretty boringly. I searched around the house just trying to get familiar with it. I was walking up the stairs when I swear I saw something move in her room. I shook it off as my imagination. Walking to my room I noticed my blanket was causally in a heap in front of my doorway.

"Really," I yelled down the stairs after I picked up the blanket, "you couldn't have set my blanket on my bed? You had to just throw it on the floor?"

I didn't get a response, so I walked into my room huffing. She was starting to really irk my nerves. I jumped on my bed and rolled over to looks inside her room. It looked like she had back in our old house. The closet door wide open, a memory board full of pictures, her bookshelf, everything in the same setup like she always had it, but for some reason I didn't like that room.

I rolled over staring up at the ceiling. I probably just felt that way because I don't like the house at all. I'd rather be at our old house. Eventually I rolled back over glancing out into the hallway again noticing my sister's room door was shut.

I yawned and pushed myself up walking to my closet to hang up some clothes. Later I walked out of my room and to the stairs noticing her room door was open again. I wandered down stairs and got something to drink before walking up the stairs again. An arm extended from the doorway of her room as if gesturing me into the room, being on the lower steps, I couldn't really see. "What do you want," I questioned as I started to walk up the stairs faster thinking my sister needed me for something.

"What does who want," a voice questioned from behind me.

I jumped startled and dropped the cup spilling the contents on the stairs, "dammit!" I turned and saw my sister looking at me confused. "You were just," I said blinking before looking up at the room again noticing the door was now shut, "...there..."

"No, I've been in the living room since earlier," she said walking past me and up the stairs, "clean up that mess." I just watched her walk into her room and open the door shutting it behind her.

She never complains about not being able to sleep, hearing voices or anything.... Whatever's in her room seems to like her company, it doesn't bother her at all. Her favorite room out of the house is her room.....

I still see the shadow or figure inside her room, and anytime she takes something of mine into her room I'll have it thrown at me while sleeping or left in front of my door.... It doesn't bother me, but it still ushers me into the room when I walk up the stairs sometimes.

Her room door is always shut now when she's home or when she's out of it. I glance up from my bed and look into her room seeing her room door wide open. I really don't like her room. There's something off about it.... The closet door inside her room slowly starts to creak open and I get up from my bed walking to my room's door shutting it.

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