Bullies & Problems

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*Addison's P.O.V* (there won't be many of these so enjoy it while you can! ;) )

"Oh my gosh I'm so happy to see you!" I yelled, hugging Hunter.

"Me too!" Hunter said, hugging me back.

"OOOH, HUNTER'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND!" a really mean looking kid sang.

I remembered what Uncle Louis told me about how to be sassy. I jammed my thumbs into my hips, (Ow! I have a cast so it kinda hurt.....) and I put on my meanest glare at him.

"Uh, exCUSE me?" I asked sassily.

The boy just laughed. "Ooh, little miss sassy pants thinks she's so cool!"

I tried to stay fierce, but I felt the tears threaten to escape my eyes.

"Awww, the wittle baby's gonna cwy!" the mean boy yelled again.

"Leave her alone, Aiden!" Hunter growled.

"Shut it, Hunter!"

"You're just a bully!"

(If you haven't figured it out by now, what older people hear as baby talk, the little kids hear as normal talk. So yeah.)

"You wanna fight?!" the boy, Aiden, asked fiercely.

"No thank you..." Hunter immediately backed down.

"Well then," Aiden had a mean grin on his face. "Looks like your little girlfriend's gonna get it instead!"

He suddenly pounced on me. Startled, I fell onto the ground, and Aiden kicked me on my face and ribs. I screamed and started crying. I screamed louder and my hands flew to my face as he kicked me straight in the eye.

"Aiden! Go to the office!" Ms. Abbot's voice yelled. She grabbed my hand, and pulled me up, my ribs screaming with pain as I sat up.

I felt hot tears from my good eye stain my face as Hunter explained what happened.

Hunter hugged me and told me that Aiden was in biiiiiiiig trouble, so I didn't have to be scared anymore.

"We need some ice for that eye." another woman said urgently.

"I-I w-want daddy!" I choked out through sobs.

"I know. We called your daddy, and he's on his way to pick you up." Ms. Abbot assured me.

By this time, there were a lot of kids around us, asking me if I was okay. I tried to answer, but I was crying too hard. In fact, I cried so hard that I threw up on Hunter's shoe!

"Boys and girls, please get back! Go outside and play, please. It's recess." Ms. Abbot told them.

I cried harder out of shame. "I'm sorry Hunter! I didn't mean to!"

Hunter simply smiled kindly and shrugged. "Its okay. I have a baby sister, and she puked on my face one time!" he replied.

I giggled a little as I imagined it.

The nurse came back with a cloth to wipe my mouth with, and some ice. She gently pressed the ice against my eye.

*Niall's P.O.V*

God I'm so pissed! She hasn't been there two minutes, and she's been beaten up! They better keep this "Aiden" kid away from me....

I slammed the car door shut, and took a few breaths to calm myself as I walked into the school.

My little girl was sitting on the floor, with that boy, Hunter, right by her side. The teacher kept telling him to go outside, but he was refusing.

"No! I wanna stay wit Addie!" he growled.

"Daddy!" Addie sobbed, still not knowing I was there.

"You're daddy's right there, sweetheart." Ms. Abbot said, pointing at me.

"Daddy!" Addison cried, holding her little, chubby arms out to me.

I picked her up, holding the ice to her eye. "It's okay babygirl, daddy's got ya." I whispered to her reassuringly.

She continued to sob into my shoulder as I signed her out in the front office.

"Bye Addie...." Hunter said sadly.

Addie waved sadly as I walked out the door.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you." I said, buckling Addie into her car seat.

Addie just sniffled and didn't say anything.

"You okay, well, besides your eye?" I asked.

She just stared into space, not saying anything.

I noticed something a little weird about her eyes. Maybe it was the black eye, but I was sure that her pupils weren't dilated right.

"Look up, babygirl." I instructed.

When she didn't do what I said, I put my hand under her chin and lifted her head so her eyes were tilted towards the sun a little. Not enough to hurt her, just enough so I could see. Sure enough, her pupils were different sizes.

'Is this a concussion?' I thought.

As if to answer, Addison threw up all over herself, and started to cry.

I took my jacket off, and wiped her mouth with it. That was all I could do at that point.

I comforted her as best I could, and started driving to the ER.

*At Er*

"Daddyyyyy don't let them hurt meeeeee!" Addie sobbed as they tried to get a MRI to see if she had a concussion.

"Shhhhh, they're not going to hurt you." I assured her.

"Sweetie, we need you to lay on the bed." a nurse ordered.

Exhausted and done with throwing up every ten minutes, she finally gave in and let them do the scan.

When the scan was done, the nurse told me that it wasn't a concussion; she was probably Going through a bit of trauma from being hurt so badly.

Suddenly, another nurse burst in. "We need you in room 32, we have a woman who fainted while feeding her newborn son." she said.

"Wait! What's her name?!" I asked.

"I think it's Lacey. That's all she could really say." the nurse replied.

My heart stopped. "Is my son okay?" I asked shakily.

"We don't know. He was on the floor crying."

I tried to stay calm for Addie; she didn't need anymore trauma. But all I could think was; 'what happened to my wife??'

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter! I'm having writers block


But I updated :))))

Thank you guys for reading and being so patient! :) I really appreciate it!

Luff you mah lovelies! <3

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