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Thanks alot guys for such a huge support and lets move on to story..happy reading...❤❤❤

Ab:commited??? What does it mean ...

Pr;abhi..actually iam sorry...before our marraige i deeply love someone who is working with he ask me for marraige at that time i cant agreed for that as..i want to lookafter my sister and her i reject that..we get separated due to that reason..and at the day of our marraige on night he calls me  and that night i ask everything between us and we again commited now...

Ab;commited now means...

Pr:abhi...we both love each other again..yesterday i gone out to meet him...

Ab;which means...

Pr; dont want me in your life and need me for whats the problem of ...

Ab;stop it all this nonsense damit..hold her shoulder...i knew its all your plan just to make me you think that you can fool me..then its a utter foolishness mrs.pragya abhishek tried this much and i keep quiet that doesnt mean  that you can do whatever drama and i will keep quiet like this...look..whatever you play iam ready for it...and will play back for it..and i will make you mine...and moves..

Pr;just take your hands have no right to touch me without my permission..

Ab;i have right mrs.abhishek prem mehra..and take her in arms..and moves towards room..pragya struggle inside his hands...abhi make her lyes on bed and lies of her..pragya struggles again...

Abhi came close to her and stands up..

Look..if i wish i can go furthur d you cant do anything..but iam not cheap like that..i told you that for getting you its not needed to be get married with you...if i wish i can get super model as my wife..and i wont have you without your will..and you yourself will give to me...and leaves...

Pragya locked inside the door and started to cry..

Again he can he think so cheap about girls..did they have no wont lose like this...what he think about one can make him ..iam forced to do all this because i have nothing to fight back...what he said..if he wish he can get a model..wait mr.abhishek prem mehra..from this day onwards..iam not only in tag mrs.abhishek prem mehra...will be in the tag of super model...

Screen shifted to abhi..

Now..she must understand that what is her fate..and who is much she show attitude to me..suddenly abhis phone started to ring...

And cuts call and move towards pragya room..knock the door..

Its open...abhi gets in and sees pragya sitting in full of attitude and doing nail polishing...

Ab;what all this damnit..

Pr;what happened now..

Ab;are you commited with anyone..


Ab;iam not asking about that commitment..

Pr;i knew mr. About what you are heard correct i signed an you knew how i get that..

Abhi look at her...

Pr;for that i use your tag abhi..wife of abhishek prem mehra...


Pr;dont shout mr. You told me that i have no status to stand with you right...but now i will show the status...

Ab;lets decided to fight with me na..then lets much you suceed...

Suddenly someone press calling bell..pragya open the door..

Di...if you both are ready lets go...

Wait arjun...will come soon..

Pr;abhi..its better that whatever happened between us be a secret...we are lovely husband and wife for others...both care each other love each other..otherwise all your truth will be known to tanu and purab...i knew somewhere in corner of heart you loves them..and dont want to end your relationship with get ready...

Abhigya comes out and enter inside car..

Pragya signs him to smile..

Ar; we are going to a forest ride..and spent one day there...


While abhi make annoyed face..

Episode ends..

I knew its too small..dont reach upto mark..

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