part-18 continuation..

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So lets move back to story guys
..happy reading.❤❤❤

Pragya was sitting there and looking both sides.abhi is no where seen... can you forget such a big thing can you do this..without thinking furthur you accept his deal..and look where you are now..he trapped you pragya..he complete his revenge for that slap by making you stay alone here..did you think he will come back ..he wont...

Pragya get anger and look at both side..and started to walk in a direction..its highway but vehicles are comparatively less as its forest Route.. suddenly pragya seen a gang of men playing cards with drinks..they too see her and getup from their seat and surrounds her..pragya get frightened..

Oh ..honey..why are you alone here..did you need any company asked one..

For her ,iam here buddies ..a voice from their back..all turn towards that voice..its none other than our abhi..abhi winks at pragya...

Who are you ?? Its better for you to stay away from this said one..

Ab;its better buddy you stay away from her  ..

Suddenly a man hold pragyas hand..abhi just did a spin and raise his right leg in air and dash at him which make him fall leaving her hand...

Suddenly other person come forward and raise his right hand to beat him..but abhi turn the person beside him in way that beat will fall on him..then there happen a huge fight..abhi was too anger that no one can control him...for their life sake everyone runs away...

Pragya runs and hug abhi..abhi started to console her.they broke the hug..abhi wiped out her tears with his thump.

Ab;look i reach at correct time na..nothing happen to you then why this tears..

Pr;thanks abhi..if you wont..

Ab;iam your friend na..its my duty to save my friend na..k now come with me..abhi walks forward and turns sees pragya still standing there..

Now..what happen fuggi..

Pr;iam sorry abhi..i thought..i am mistaken you...

Ab;that i understand that when i havent seen you there.its not your fault can you trust me as once i break that...k..whatever it be come soon..otherwise other danger will come again..

Abhigya walks..and they got a lift and reach at their private guest house  .

Pr; this your plan .you told me na you will make me reach some interesting place..

Ab;wait fuggi..look we just reach at home..but havent get inside na..

Pr;that means ..there is something for me..


Pragya suddenly get inside..and look at abhi..

Ab; i told you there is surprise.havent told na where is..

Pr;then where is abhi..

Ab;fuggi..look dont behave as a kid na..

Pr;abhi..dont you knew how much i like surprises...its my sid who always do such things for me..suddenly pragyas mood goes off..

Ab;what happened this because still thought about sid..

Pr,abhi..its better to leave that topic..

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