Of Pasts and Unexpected Reunions

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bold = important or exclamation

italic = thought



A child huddled in the corner of her dirty cell. She shivered, her dark blue hair hanging in lank locks around her deathly pale face, the thin arms she rapped around herself offering little protection from the cold that threatened to take complete hold.

A figure passed in front of her cell, the light from the torch it carried temporarily casting a light into the dark room and casting shadows of the iron bars across the frail figure curled in a miserable ball.

Then the light was gone, and the child was plunged into darkness again. Another figure carrying a torch stopped in front of the cell, peering in. He pushed a pair of glasses up his nose and scribbled something on his clipboard before leaving.

Time passed in a blur, all of it didn't concern the girl child, who cared little for the outside world. What would have been a few days later, the male with glasses came back.

The girl heard a click, and a creak as the door swung open, she summoned the energy to lift her head and crack one eye open. The man with glasses came over and dragged her to her feet "come" he commanded. She stumbled along, scraping her feet on the rough stone of the floor as she was dragged to a room.

She was splayed out on a cold metal table, the cold barely registering in her foggy mind, to used to endless chill to care. She felt a faint prick in her elbow, and a strange feeling ran up her arm.

It almost felt...warm. Then the pain began, the warm feeling turned into a searing heat that rushed through her veins, she shrieked and her back arched, arms and legs fighting the metal restraints they had secured to her ankles and wrists.

Blood seeped out from the where the edges of the cuffs dug into her skin as her system tried to reject whatever they had injected her with.

She shrieked again, her mind to consumed with pain to notice anything else. After what seemed like hours, her screams subsided as she fell unconscious.

Her throat was raw as her body automatically shutting down to try to process the foreign substance fusing itself to her blood and tissue, becoming part of her body.

(4 hours later)

The room was silent and dark, the girl at on the metal table, unmoving. The door opened and two figures entered, one tall with black hair and slitted snake eyes, the other shorter with glasses and a clipboard which he stared at as he spoke to the other man.

"Its taking well, her system is adapting to the 2 tails DNA, as you can see, there is already fiscal evidence" he said, glancing down the girl on the table. The other man looked down at her too, noting the changes.

Her dark blue hair had darkened to black, a long sleek tail peeked out from under her thin, dirty cotton dress, a pair pointy cat ears, matching the black of her hair and tail stuck up on either side of her head.

Her hands were thinly covered in a dark fur that thinned out past her wrist, and catlike claws that periodically snapped out and retracted from her fingertips.

The man with glasses lifted one lip slightly to uncover inhumanly sharp teeth, and lifting both eye lids revealed mismatch slitted eyes, one yellow, one green.

The tall black haired man nodded "excellent, Kabuto, I want you conduct daily check ups to see if anything changes in her condition" he said as he walked out.

"yes Orochimaru-sama" the man with glasses, Kabuto, said. He stared down at the girl for a few more seconds before following Orochimaru out.

(1 day later)

I'm a cat person (Naruto fanfic) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now