Of Meetings and Sad Deaths

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Chapter Three

After I crashed into someone, who I couldn't tell. I lost my balance and fell from the tall tree, hitting every limb on the way down. I hit the ground with a loud 'thud' and all the air was knocked out of me.

I gasped for air, my chest heaving as two people and...a bunch of dogs it smelled like, landed all around me. I propped myself up on my elbows, and as if it just had to get worse, my freaking hood fell back, revealing my ears.

I flattened them to my head, hoping to disguise them with my hair but knew I hadn't succeeded when someone behind me poked on of them. I hopped to my feet and spun on my heel to face them, putting my back to a thick tree trunk.

"Who are you? and whats with the ears on your head? do are you like Kitsune?" A blond boy started asking questions so fast I almost couldn't keep track, almost. I was rather good at rapid fire talking though.

"Ikari. I know just about as much about these ears as you do. Yes" I said wearily. 'How do they know Kitsune' I wondered. A man with frankly gravity defying grey hair stepped up beside the blond boy. "You know Kitsune? How?".

I stared at him, thinking about how much to say. In the end I went with simple and truthful "She's my old friend, I'm looking for her" I said.

The grey haired man looked at me, gaging how much of a threat I posed I assumed. He looked in off to the side when a boom sounded.

"OK, your coming with us, we have to hurry so if you want to see Kitsune, keep up" He said, then turned and took off in the direction the sound made. The blond boy took off after him and I followed, keeping an eye out in case they tried something.

~No ones POV~

'This girl is good, not only can she keep up, but even if I did want to kill her, she hasn't let her guard down for a second' Kakashi thought, watching said dark haired female from the corner of his eye.

Naruto was mostly concerned with his team mates but part of his attention was on the strange girl hopping along beside them. 'How does she know Kitsune...I wonder how Kiba will feel when he finds out theres someone who knew Kitsune in her past' He thought.

Tsukiyo was completely oblivious to all these thoughts. She was too exited to finally meet Kitsune again, and talk to her after all these years. 'Finally Kitsune...I'll finally get to thank you'.

Then they came apon a scene which made Tsukiyo pull up short. A boy, the boy who had been with Kitsune, lay on the the ground, the grass and dirt soaked with blood, his blood.

The others rushed to him, yelling his name while Tsukiyo stood there, shocked. "Kiba! Kiba!" one of them said, Tsukiyo didn't see who. Her vision was shifting in and out of focus. "Where's Kitsune..." she muttered.

"Where's the fox?" the boy, Kiba asked, someone answered and Tsukiyo's ears pricked up "I-I think we defeated it, It disappeared". "Kiba, are you in pain?" one of them asked as the boy, Kiba, slammed his fist against the ground and stated "Yes".

Tsukiyo twitched, then walked forward. "Where is Kitsune?..." she said, louder this time. She grabbed the Kiba boy by the neck of his shirt and pulled him to his feet so he was face to face with her. "Where is Kitsune? Tell me!" she yelled, ignoring all the weapons that were pointed at her form his friends.

"WHERE IS SHE!?!" she yelled again. Kiba looked at her with tears in his eyes and shook his head, not saying anything. Suddenly Tsukiyo's shoulders slumped as she took in the meaning of that shake. She let go of his shirt and he dropped to the ground.

She stepped back, her arms falling to her side, head falling down. Tears tracked down her pale face "I...I never said thank you...I never talked to her, I should have been there..." she fell to her knees and put her head in her hands.

A hand touched her shoulder and she leaped to her feet. "Its all your peoples fault!" she cried, her eyes blurring with fresh tears. Kiba hunched into himself, obviously thinking the same thing.

"Ikari, calm down-" the grey haired man said. She glared at him so hard he stopped mid sentence. Then she felt a prick in her neck, her fingers came up, searching. She felt a dart and realized they must have some sort of knock out serum as her vision blurred and she fell down. unconscious before she hit the ground.


~Tsukiyo's POV~

I woke in a strange white room. I mean seriously, I'd never been around this much white. I sat up and felt funny. Looking down I saw that I was not in my usual clothes, but some sort of robe.

I opened it up and found someone had cleaned, stitched and bandaged my stomach wound. I quickly retied the robe and looked around. The room was mostly bare, with some equipment on one side next to my bed.

I stood, realizing my feet were bar when they touched the cold floor. I shivered but walked around the room. A knock came at the door and I leaped into a corner, raising my hands in defence.

A woman in a white outfit stood in the door way. A strange clipboard in her hands. "Hello miss" she said in a happy voice. Seemingly unfazed by the fact I was up and looking ready to fight she came and stood at the base of the bed.

"You had a infected wound on your stomach and you are very thin" she said, checking her clipboard...it reminded me of Kabuto, which got on my nerves.

"How long have I been here?" I interjected. She smiled "Only a few hours miss. A jonin of our village brought you, saying you'd had a hard day" she said.

I remembered with a jerk what had happened. My eyes teared up and I sank onto the ground, sitting in the corner. She looked sympathetic "I know you must feel bad miss, but you should eat something" she said "I'll bring you some food" she announced and walked out.

I sat there, unmoving, until she came back with a trey of simple, digestible food. I looked up at her "Where are my clothes?" I asked flatly. "Um, they were cleaned and fixed, they're in there, along with your...weapons" she said, pointing to a box on the floor in the opposite corner from my own.

"Thank you." I said. She stood there uncomfortably while I started to eat like a robot. "Once you get permission to you can leave, until then, please relax" she said, and left. 'Ha, relax' I thought. I finished eating and got into my familiar clothes.

Feeling more like myself I stretched and opened the window. 'I don't know where this is, but I have to leave, I have to move, to keep moving' I thought. I leaped out the window and fell 4 stories to the ground.

Lighting on my feet I took off running, not caring who saw me or though me strange. I just had to move, and keep moving. I ran until I could run no more. I fell to the ground and fell asleep immediately.

I was awoken by a sharp pain in my elbow. I jerked upright and clutched the burning spot where two years ago I had been injected with 2-tails DNA. After the pain subsided I looked down and froze. There, in the crook of my elbow, my skin had changed to a strange, blue fire-like substance. (pic on side)


So thats the end of that chapter, can you guess whats happening? ;3





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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2014 ⏰

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