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Monday morning Samantha found herself waiting for the elevator that would take her to Ian's office. While she waited, her mind went to their last day in Miami.

It was not a pleasant memory. Something she was not proud off. Which ate up her pride and her femininity.

After their deep sea diving adventure, she ran. She ran away from him. Ran away from Miami. The reason being her father, James ill-health. But the truth be told that she was scared and scared that she would make the same mistake once again. Falling in love with him, again. She couldn't look in his eyes and ignore the connection between them. That kiss was enough for a proof. That kiss was just the tip of an iceberg and she knew it broke the lock she had guarded until now. She might be in denial, but somewhere deep down she still bled for him. Still cared for him. Still wanted him. She feared that all those emotions and feelings that were hidden might show up and she doesn't know how to hide them. If that simple kiss could do so much, she wondered what working with him in the same office would do to her bleeding heart.

Basically, all she wanted was to hide and hiding was all she did until now.

But she couldn't ignore the offer letter that had arrived while she was vacating away in Miami.

It stated that she had to report on Monday morning for an interview with the company director for the post of full-time lawyer. At first she was not sure if she was ready to accept the offer, but something inside her spoke otherwise. Now standing in front of the elevator, she couldn't find a reason why she got up and dressed in her best attire and dragged herself to his office.

Because she needed this job.

She wanted to prove him that she was more then that, what he thought about her. More so to prove herself that she could do it. Do it for her and still not affected by him. To console her beating heart that it will only end up hurting if she pinned up her hope for him.

Sighing deeply she stepped into the elevator and pressed the destined floor. It took a few second and she stepped into the interior of his office. A perky looking receptionist greeted her and guided her to the interview area.

"Miss. Fowler."

Samantha turned to the source and came face to face with a lady not much elder to her. She looked like she would be in her mid thirties. Her pocelain face masked her age and that red lipstick gave the aura of authority and sensuality. Her posture speak that she had a good command here and it screamed power. Even though with all these adjectives her demeanor was friendly and Samantha felt herself relaxing from her already nervous state of mind.

"Hi, I'm Sally." She introduced herself with an outstretched hand towards Samantha.

"Hi, I'm Samantha. Samantha Fowler." Samantha gripped her hand and shook it in a friendly way.

"So, ready for the interview!" Sally asked, while guiding her through the door, leading them further inside.

"Yup, I guess," Samantha's nerve kicked up at the mention of the interview. She knew this was Ian's company and who would be the director apart from him, to interview her. She prepared herself and tamed her anxious nerves to behave. 

Once through, through several doors Sally paused and turned to speak to her. 

"Please take your seat." Sally pointed towards the swivel chair for Samantha to sit. 

Sally rounded the table and sat behind the desk. "Now," Sally spoke in a baritone voice as if suddenly her friendly attitude changed to someone stranger, someone who was used to be intimidated others. But suddenly it all changed and she smiled.

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