Author's Note | 200+ Views

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K wow. I did NOT expect this many reads by chapter 20/XX. In fact, I didn't think this book would have ANY READS.

At the start of this, I had poor grammar, but I've grown along the way with my writing skills.

I can't thank you all enough. I don't make this book for money, I don't think you even can make money.

I make it for entertainment, but if nobody reads this, how can I entertain them.

In real life, I'm a lazy couch potato. I use Wattpad as a way rp communicate with others, to write things for others to enjoy.

I originally wanted to design video games when I got older, but after writing books like this on Wattpad, I might wanna become an author of books - a writer.

So thank you all of you who're reading this right now. Thank you everyone, I can't help but smile at the sight of people enjoying something I made.

It makes me happy and I'm glad that you're all enjoying this book. Cya in chapter 21, hope ya'll can make it.

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