she accepted me

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she accepted me
for all my flaws
every single one of them

she accepted me when i wasn't beautiful
she loved me with the
horrible acne, the unkept hair
the days when i had bags under my eyes
the days when i had tear streaks
along my cheeks
the days when angry red lines marked
my arms and thighs
the days when my tear drops mixed with my blood running down my arms

she accepted me when i didn't want to be
the days when i was a bitch
the days where i was petty
and started stupid arguments
the days when everything got to me
when i was a ticking time bomb
ready to explode at the simplest touch

she accepted the random signs
of loving affection
the slow kisses, the warm hugs
the moments where all we did was stare
and she let it all just be
because i was her world and she
she was mine

she accepted
every single bit of me
to everything under the surface

and now
it feels shitty as fuck to lose what was most important to me
because who's going to love me
the way she always did


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