Chapter 2

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The next few days were hard on Cosmic, she couldn't do anything as the Fab Four were always checking on her, making sure that she didn't injure herself more.

"Come on, how long is it gonna take for me to heal, and why won't you let me go anywhere on my own?" Cosmic whined, looking at Party with a pout.

"Well the blast grazed your side, enough to cut it, but not too badly, it should take a couple weeks to heal though." He'd explain, "we're only looking out for you, besides isn't it better to sleep in an actual bed rather than in a tent?" He'd chuckle.

"Hey don't rag on the tent, that has been my home for many years, and I feel bad about taking Kobra's bed, at least let me bring in the sleeping mat and I'll just sleep on the floor." She suggested, fiddling with her faded hair.

Kobra poked his head into the room, "I am perfectly fine to sleep on the floor," he'd send her a look.

Cosmic glared at him, "why are you insisting that I take your bed? I'm not gonna break." She huffed. "I'm a killjoy not some China doll."

"Just take the damn bed, toxic didn't have any trouble with sharing a bed with missile." Fun added.

"Yeah because she's my baby sister, I've always given her the bed while I watch for dracs, It's what big sisters do." Cosmic said softly, fiddling with her shirt.

"Just take the bed, Party and Fun are going on a run, so if you want to take a shower we'll watch the girls." Jet offered, Kobra nodding as well. "The kid can check up on your car if you want." He added.

"That'd be perfect, umm not to be greedy, but do you think when they're out on the raid the guys could pick up another set of clothes for me, I have the carbons to pay for it." Cos asked sheepishly.

Jet nodded, "it's fine, let's check your bandages before you go and wash the grime off, after the rainstorm we had when you were out, the barrel is full and it will be somewhat hot."

Cosmic smiled at the thought of hot water, unbuttoning her borrowed shirt to allow him to get at the white bandage around her middle. Kobra blushed a bit, looking away slightly.

"Okay you're alright." Jet smiled, watching as cosmic sighed, reaching to untangle her braid,

"Need help there?" He chuckled.

She nodded, "If I move my arms too high it hurts." She winced, shaking her head lightly, until she felt someone unbraiding her hair gently.

"Better?" Kobra asked quietly, looking down at her.

Cosmic nodded quickly, "I'll go shower now...I'll yell if I need anything." She said softly, grabbing a towel and rushing off to their bathroom.

Toxic giggled, watching her older sister in amusement.

Party looked down at her, "What's got you giggly?" He inquired, nudging her lightly. He raised his eyebrow until she stopped giggling.

"Nothing Party, It's a /girl/ thing, nothing to worry about." She waved him off, "Now shoo, off you guys go for supplies."

Party and Ghoul shrugged, grabbing their masks and blasters on the way out, while cosmic took a quick shower not wanting to waste more of their water.

Cos reached up to wash her hair, wincing at the pain in her side, she let out a small squeak.

Huffing she washed her hair quickly, frowning at her hair dye fading and washing away.

She stepped out of their makeshift shower, drying herself off quickly as she redressed, only to find out that she had bled through her bandage.

"Umm, I need some help..." she called sheepishly, walking out in her jeans and bra, holding the shirt and towel as her side grew red.

"What's- seriously you just stopped bleeding." Jet sighed. "Okay let me get you fresh bandages, don't move." He warned.

Cosmic sighed standing still, waiting for jet to return with bandages.

"Hey what's-" Kobra trailed off, looking wide eyed.

She blushed, shifting on her feet, "The wound re-opened, Jet's just getting..." she trailed off, feeling his eyes on her. Cosmic put her shirt and towel down, crossing her arms slightly, the red on her side standing out against her skin.

Jet walked in a frown present on his face, "What have you done now?" He shook his head the curls bouncing as he brings the bandages over. "We'll have to clean it again, so this is probably gonna sting..." He trailed off holding a cloth and alcohol to disinfect her wound.

"What's going t- Oh FUDGE!!" she winced shutting her eyes in pain.

"Fudge?" kobra raised an eyebrow, a small smile on his face.

"Little sister, force of habit." Cosmic rolled her eyes.

After the entire ordeal, she finally put her shirt on, which was good as Party and Fun returned from their supply run.

"We have returned!" Fun grinned, ruffling Missile kid's hair.

"Fantastic!" Cos squeaked, rushing out to the trans am, helping bring in some supplies.

"What's with her?" Party asked, a cigarette placed between his lips, causing him to talk sideways.

Toxic shook her head "Nothing, she's just weird."

Once the sun set and the children went to bed the adults huddled around the fire. Cosmic huddled into a threadbare sweater, looking tiredly into the flames.

"You alright?" Jet asked as he moved closer, placing a hand on her arm, "You look exhausted, can we get you something to eat?"

She shook her head, smiling gratefully as everyone looks over, "Seriously guys, I'm fine..." She trailed off, looking down at her hands, "Just thinking...I wanted to thank you guys, for taking us in."

Fun looked over with a small smile, "It's no problem, but once you're back on your feet you're gonna have to start pulling your weight around here." He chuckled.

Cosmic smiled at that, "I didn't expect anything less." she responded softly, looking back at the fire.

Party and Kobra walked over, tossing a can of power pup to jet and ghoul, kobra handing one to cosmic when he sits next to her.

She looked over, nodding her thanks as she takes a couple bites of the disgusting food.

"I will never get used to that, I wish there was still fresh fruit, or something..."

Kobra chuckled, patting her arm lightly and returning to his own food. Party and Fun shared a scheming look, smirking slightly as they plan.

Cosmic looked up at the night sky, finding some constellations and starting to hum softly.

The quiet chatter dying down to almost nothing as they look at the girl beside them. Fun smiling as he catches looks on everyone's faces.

Soon she slumped back against the makeshift bench, starting to doze off slowly, the heat adding to her drowsiness.

Kobra put his empty can down, lifting her up gently and carrying her inside as the rest of their group enjoyed the silence and the stars.

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