The one that doesn't cry
Is regarded as strong
Do tears really signify
A weak, helpless person?
Or is it the other way around?💦💦💦
Do these hot, salty drops
Tag you as a coward?
Tears are your feelings
Your way of letting it out
When you've been too strong💦💦💦
It's okay to cry
When emotions stifle you
It is better to let them out
Than keeping them bottled up,
Restrained and held within💦💦💦
How much can your
Overfilled heart store?
One day, its door will be
Forced open by the flood,
The flood of your unshed tears💦💦💦
Tears don't make you weak
They're a sign that every person
Even the mightiest
Needs to let out the feelings of
Their unheard self💦💦💦
Hey, everyone! 🙆 How are you all? What's up? ❤
I'm back with my 3rd poem. How is it? Is it good, bad or okay?
Please let me know what you think. I'd love to hear your thoughts and criticism as well.
Keep smiling! 💕
Lots of love ❤💙
PoetryPoetry is something which genuinely appeals to the heart and makes you emotional as well. This is my first attempt at it. Through this, I'd like to bring forth my thoughts, ideas and feelings. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business...