Chapter 9

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Chris's pov

I woke up and looked at the ceiling, the ceiling was white. Mine was blue. I sat up and the memories from last night flooded in. As i looked at the clock on the wall, i realised it was already 12pm. I sat up and saw that on the table next to the bed was a glass of water. I drank it and went to the bathroom attached to it. I looked in the mirror and saw that i was a hot mess. I washed my face and brushed my teeth with my finger since there was no the extra toothbrush, i was to lazy to shower.

I had some of Blake's clothes that he had left at Tanya's house on. There was no point changing into my clothes from last night because they were probably very dirty. As I went downstairs an aroma of pancakes hit my nose. Mmmmm, especially after a hangover. I went downstairs and went into the kitchen and saw everyone was there sitting around the able eating and chatting. "Couldn't be bothered waking me up eh" I announced my presence and everyone looked at me, amusement on their faces. "You were cute when you were you were sleeping so I was like, let him sleep ya know?" Tanya replied looking at me straight in the eyes. "I've got a little stalker now have I?" I said teasing Tanya but all she did was shrug and continued to eat. I sat down and dug in. We made light conversation.

Me, Zack and Blake went home to sleep off the rest of the hangover. The sun was blazing so I thought that it would be a good idea to walk home. Unfortunately I encountered Stephanie on the way. Stephanie was wearing a short crop top showing way too much cleavage and a skirt in which you could see her panties. She had a fresh bruise that was healing slowly on her face. She had attempted to cover it up with make up but it looked terrible.

She walked up to me and slid her finger from under my chin and down my chest seductively.
"Hey baby," she purred.
I can't believe she was Sierra's friend a life time ago. They're so different.
I grabbed her hand and said a firm, "Nice bruise and no!"
She pouted at both my statements. "Why babe? I know you love me!"
I know you care. Just shout whenever and I'll be th- not the time to be thinking of Justin Bieber right now!
I dropped her hand. "First of all don't ever call me babe. It reminds me of that pig from that movie."
I made a move to walk past her but she blocked me. I bent down, my face level with hers. "And secondly when have I ever said I love you?"
"Oh come on! It's that Tanya girl innit. She a bitch but probably good in bed right but I bet I could do better."
"Don't bring Tanya into this. This is not even about her. But she did do your face a favour!"
I stood up, pushed her aside and walked past her. I was 2 steps past her when she whispered to me sadly, " It's because of her isn't it? You vowed yourself to never fall in love?"
She stopped and awaited my reaction before continuing in a clear voice. "Wouldn't everyone want to know what actually happened to her? She didn't just move away spontaneously but I don't know..... died?"
I spun on my heel before you could even say my name and was in front of her. I bent down and levelled my face with hers again and threateningly breathed, "Don't you fucking dare you cunt. You piece of shit can not say things like that! After what you did to her you should be ashamed of even bringing her up. She trusted you with everything Stephy," I said using Sierra's nickname for her. She was taken a back when I said it.
"You betrayed her and crumbled her trust. She was heartbroken. She was crying for god sake you bitch!" I screamed the last bit.

I stared her in right in the eye noticing a few tears in both our eyes. She started sobbing and ran away, her skirt hitching upward and giving everyone a nice good view. Luckily no one was around to notice my outburst, her nudity or our teary eyes. I reached home eventually, thinking that what a drama queen she was and how this was way too much for my hungover brain.


Thanks for reading!! This chapter was kind of a filler but oh well!

Anyway at the top is what I imagine Stephanie to look like 😂😊

Anyway question of the day is how many siblings to you have? I have 4, 2 brothers and 2 sisters!

Please give this a like and a comment.

Thanks for reading!! Bye my wattinions


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