Chapter 11

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Chris' pov

It was Sunday and I was bored. No parties were going to be on as there was school tomorrow and Blake has gone with Tanya to therapy. It was sooooo boring. I decided that I wasn't going to sit around and watch spongebob and instead go out for a run. I put on my running clothes and grabbed a bottle water before heading out the door.

Ten minutes in, I realised how long it had been since I took a jog. I mean sure I lift but jogs are an occasional thing. Anyway as I had entered the park I saw Stephanie. Ugh. Why does the world hate me so much? I pretended to not notice her and jog past her. It worked! For once! Yay! Until I felt sharp nails dig into the skin of my arm. Ugh, celebrated to early.

I turned around to pry her fingers of my arm one by one. I'm pretty sure i was already drawing blood! After her fingers were safely removed I turned my attention towards and groaned, "What do you want now?"
She looked at me and said, "Nothing, I came here to apologise for how I was acting towards Sierra," I flinched as she said her name. I don't know if she noticed but if she did she ignored it and continued. "Not Tanya though. She really messed me up and if she thinks she can take you away from me, she should think again." With that she turned on her heel and went back to friends.

I smiled to myself slightly. This made it just a tiny bit more clear to why Sierra was friends with her. As i continued my jog my phone starting ringing. I looked at the caller and realised t was Zach. What did he want? I answered. "Hello!"
"Hi Chris can you come over please. I need help!" His voice was pleading.
"Are you okay?" I found myself asking worriedly.
"Yes.. No.. kinda... No? Just come over!" He demanded tiredly as he hung up on me. I looked at my phone and shook my head and headed towards Zach's house.

Within half an hour I had reached Zach's house and had showered. We sat in his room. Me on the bed while he walked around nervously.
My eyes flickered towards him I'm worry. Was he ok?
"Dude, chill and sit down. Tell Dr. Davis all about your problems." He cracked a small smile before sitting next to me and sighing.

"You know Emily?" He asked.
"Umm... your girlfriend. The one that left and is now living all the way in Australia?" I stated though it sounded like more of a question.
"Yeah, the one and only." He said while sighing. I sat up more properly and looked at him more seriously. "What happened. You look like you didn't pass the level you wanted too on that video game!" I slightly joked though my voice was actually laced with seriousness. What is wrong with him and what happened. We stayed in comfortable silence, me waiting for the news he was about to tell me, knowing he was the most sensitive and the most likely to cry, a lot.

A few minutes later he started speaking out of the blue. "So she wasn't replying to my texts and calls for a while now and I was confused. She answered yesterday. I should have been happy but she was drunk. And with a guy. And the guy was groping her. She asked me who I was. For fuck sake, how did she forget her boyfriend. I always thought she was cheating on me but you know I really liked her and I put my trust in her and she broke it, like it was just a useless piece of paper." At this point there was no tears coming out of his eyes and he was emotionless. This was so unlike my best friend, Zach. The one who was always happy and showing a positive emotion, most of the time.

But his next words shocked me. "I thought I loved her, but I was wrong because yesterday after I found her cheating on me, I did something regrettable but I liked it. I liked it and now I am sooooo annoyed at myself!!" He said slightly louder than his normal voice level and emphasising the so. " Fuck!" He screamed before getting up and leaving, closing the door harshly. What did he do? Now I was curious. It couldn't be that bad? Right? Oh poor guy, I thought before getting my ass of the bed and went out to look for him.

I eventually found him in his garden behind all the flowers. He was sat on the floor, deep in thought while his fingers were fiddling with a piece of grass. I silently sat next to him before I was pulled into a hug. I was shocked for a second before I hugged him back, knowing that this was a rare emotional moment that any guy would have. He stopped hugging me, looked me in the eyes and murmured, "Chris, what i did yesterday was regrettable but I'm glad it happened. What happened was......"


Thanks for reading!! This chapter is a little bit of a cliffhanger!! Sowwwyy 🤷‍♀️

Anyway at the top is what Emily would roughly look like. 🤗

Anyway question of the day is what is your favourite book? Mine has always been since I was little "gangsta granny" or anything by him (David Walliams) or Roald Dahl! Though I did read Harry Potter and I'm in love with it and all the characters. Especially Sirius Black, Draco Malfoy and Luna Lovegood. I ship her and Neville. Eeekkk they are sooo cute 😘😘

Please give this a like and a comment. Maybe even a share if I'm lucky? ☺️

Thanks for reading!! Bye my wattinions


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