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Briana sat on the bed. She was still getting the texts from Cameron. She was with the blanket wrapped around her naked bodyvas she looked at the texts. Warren was in the shower. It was over a week since she had first got a text from Cameron. She looked as she had received another text telling her how he wanted to kill her. It was getting too much for to handle. Briana threw her phone across the bed and she ran her hands through her hair and blinked back the tears in her eyes. Warren walked into the room. He looked to Briana "bri? Everything okay?" He asked briana. Briana looked to Warren. She didn't want to tell him what was going on. She was scared. Briana looked at warren and smiled "I'm fine" she said as she stood up from the bed and walked past him. He grabbed her arm and tightened his grip pulling her towards him "talk to me" warren said "I m fine. I'm going go shower" Briana said as she kissed his lips and walked off.

Warren sighed as he watched as his girlfriend went off to shower. He said on the end of the bed as her phone buzzed from the bed. Frowning he grabbed it. He saw that there was some messages from Cameron on her phone. Out of curiosity warren opened the messages. He read through all of the death threats that Cameron had sent his girlfriend. He knew that she was acting weird all week and now he had the answer why. Cameron Campbell. Warren slipped on a pair of boxers and Briana walked out of the shower.

Warren looked to Briana and sat back on the bed "I think we need to talk" warren said as Briana towel dried her hair. She frowned to him and slippepd on one of his shirts. "Yeah?" "Yeah about the texts Cameron has been sending you and how you haven't told me" Briana looked to Warren to see that he had her phone in his hand "warren...." "Why didn't you tell me? You know I can deal with him. I told him to stop harassing you" Briana sighed. She ran her hand through her hair. "I thought it would go away" Briana said. Warren sighed. He grabbed her hand on pulled her to him "from now on we tell each other everything, okay" Warren said. Briana straddled his lap and smiled as she kissed him "yeah"

Briana pushed her hair out of her face and kissed warren. He fell down on to the bed and pulled her with him, before rolling over to that he was on top of her. Warren kissed her as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Briana moaned as warrens hand slid up her thigh teasing her "I want you" Briana said. Warren smikred before he pulled out his hardened member and pushed onto her, he moved In and out of her. She ran her nails down his back and moaned loudly.

After they climaxed. Briana stood up from the bed "where are you going" warren asked "too pee. What are we going to do about Cameron" Briana asked. Warren sat up and kissed her "leave it to ms, okay?" Warren said and Briana nodded "I'll sort it" warren said. Briana was under but decided to let it sly.

Briana walked into the bathroom. She picked up the pregnancy test, she had took after her shower. She was scared to look. Briana sighed to herself and picked it up to see positive

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