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Briana woke up to the sound of autumn crying. She frowned as she saw that warren wasn't there and that he had gone out. Briana sighed as she stood from the bed and picked up autumn and smiled as she walked into the kitchen and started to make a bottle of autumn. Briana sighed as she saw a note off of warren saying that he was working. She looked to it and rolled her eyes annoyed. She loved warren and knew that even though their relationship was rushed, she felt as if she never saw him. She felt like he was always at work and that he never spent any time with her or autumn and she was getting sick and tired of being the only parent to autumn. Briana sighed to herself as she fed and burped autumn, she looked to her and smiled as she saw just how big that she was getting. She looked just like warren and Brianna couldn't be anymore proud of her.

Once they were dressed. Briana walked into the club and found warren doing paperwork "so this is what kept you rather then lying in bed with me" she teased as he looked to her and smiled "sorry babe, I wanted it down" he said as she nodded. He picked up autumn and looked to her as Brianna places her hands on warrens shoulders and smiled "promise me that you won't work to late, there's a storm on its way and I want you with us" Briana said as warren looked to her and smiled. He placed a hand on her hip and pulled her to him as he leant in and kissed him "I'll be home for her bath time and then maybe later mummy and me can have a bath" he teased as she looked to him and smirked "sounds like a plan" she said as she leant in and kissed him.


Later that evening, Briana sat in the flat with warren and frowned to herself as her phone rang. She sighed to herself and answered it and frowned to herself as she listened over ste and how he had told her after How Tegan had been injuries in the storm and how a tree had fallen on her "I'm on my way" she said as she hung up the phone as warren looked to her and frowned "are you okay" "no, it's Tegan I have to get to the hospital" she said as he nodded "I'll get Joel to look after autumn and I'll come with you" warren said as Briana looked to him and smiled.

Briana got to the hospital and smiled as she saw Tegan who was sitting with rose "tegs, are you okay?" Briana asked as she hugged her sister "I'm okay" she said as Briana smiled and saw rose who handed Tegan and drawing that she did "I was worried about you" Briana said as Tegan looked to her family and smiled "I'm fine guys, I love you all" she said as the doctor walked in "I'm sorry but Tegan needs to rest" she said as they nodded


Later that night, Briana sat staring into space and sighed to herself as she held her phone in her eyes. She felt the tears roll down her face as warren walked out of the bedroom and frowned as he saw her "bri" he said as he sat next to her "what happened" Tegan is dead" she said as warren frowned "what happened" he asked "she had a risky surgery and it didn't work out, she died" Briana said as warren wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a hug and smiled "it's okay, I've got you" he said as she looked to him and smiled.

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