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A few months had past since the accident, since Sam and danny had died. Everyone had struggled, ste overdosed, tegan lashed out as did Peri and leela just cried, but no one struggled like Briana did she had refused to accept it, they were meant to have a new life together and she refused to believe that her parents death was an accident. Cameron had wormed his way in, he'd moved in and he was acting all happy families with Peri and leela. Tegan and Briana saw him for what he was a snake, they didn't trust him not one bit. Briana was numb, she refused to except that her parents were dead.

There was a knock at her bedroom door "go away" Briana said as she sat on her bed "please bri,let me in I want to talk to you" ste said. Briana stood up from her bed and unlocked the door and let ste in before locking the door again. Ste looked at her and waked over to herb"come here" he said as Briana wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his shoulder, ste always knew she had to comfort his little sister even if she didn't want him to. "I can't believe that there really gone" Briana said "I know" ste said as Briana pulled away and wiped her eyes "ste...call me crazy but I don't think there death was an accident" Briana said "so I'm not the only one thinking that" ste asked "all I'm saying ste, is that's its suspicious the time were meant to move half way across the world and they die....and then Cameron turns up acting like the hero of the hour acting all concerned like he cared....he didnt care my mum framed him for fourteen years for a crime he didn't committee" Briana said "what are you saying" ste asked "I'm saying I think Cameron killed our dad...and my mum, I've had a lot of time to think and I'm pretty sure he's reasonable" Briana saidb"I'm going to kill him" ste said as Briana grabbed his arm "you can't ste....he needs to pay and we haven't got any proof" "then well get the proof and make sure he suffers" ste said.

Briana phone buzzed on the side and see seen that it was sinead "hey" briana said"well hello stranger, we thought that you actually went off to new Zealand without us knowing" sinead said"no, I'm still here" "well no ones seen you. Anyways do you want to go out tonight, a few drinks?" Sinead asked "sure why not" Briana said , she needed to get out of the house.

Briana walked towards her wardrobe and began to get ready. Leela walked in "what are you doing?" she asked "meeting with some friends. There's no point in me moping around here, its not going to bring mum and dad back" Briana said. Briana had gotten on the shortest dress she owned and her red heels, she walked downstairs. peri smiled at her "you look beautiful" Briana grinned "thank you perikins" "your actually letting her go out she's underage" Cameron mumbled, Briana glared at him before walking out.

Briana met with Sinead outside the club "you look amazing girl" " not so bad yourself hot stuff" Briana said as they walked into the loft, neither of them got IDed, Briana never did she always looked as if she was over eighteen, even when she was fifteen and sneaking out. Briana and Sinead walked to the bar and Briana ordered some shots "so, how's Bart" Briana asked ad Sinead "oh barts good...barts very good" Sinead said smirking "animals" "you need a man though Bri...you need to get laid" Sinead said "your telling me". Briana stood on the dance floor after having a few drinks, when Briana felt a pair of hands on her hips, she grinded her hips against him and smirked as he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him "what do you say we get out of here" he whispered in her eye. Briana turned around and looked into his blue eyes "sure" she said as he lead her back to his flat "so whats your name" he whispered in her ear "briana" "pretty...im warren" he said as he pushed her against the wall and kissed her. Briana wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him she could feel the bulge in his pants against her hip "someone much be happy to see me" briana said "very" warren said as he picked her up and lead her over to the bedroom dropping her on the bed and pulling off his shirt. Briana bite her lip as she eyed up his body "like what you see" warren asked "yes" briana said as warren pulled the dress off of her and undid his pants and got on to the bed on top of her, he pushed into her and briana moaned as she ran her nails down his back as he bucked his hips against hers. She had to admit she hadn't had it like she did with warren, but how would she react when she truly found out who warren was.

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