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Clarice drew her gun and bashed in the door with Hannibal following close behind her. She could hear the muffled cries of the aunt and uncle from the living room. They were alive for the most part as Clarice barged in and saw them tied up in another gruesome pose, but their eyes remained intact as they stared at her scared out of their minds.

"Dr. Lecter" Clarice said quietly "Please stay with the Jackson's till I clear the house."

Hannibal watched Clarice take control, her body moving fast through the house relentlessly until she came to the stairs. Hannibal looked towards the woman and man and simply gestured that they remain quiet while Clarice cleared the area.

"I'm going up" she hissed as she quietly creeped up the stairs. Hannibal gave the Jackson's a steady look before moving towards the stairs, watching Clarice closely, his heart beating hard not because of the potential murderer that may be in the house, but for the safety for Clarice herself. She was visibly shaking as she walked upstairs, her eyes wide with fear and hope and everything in between.

A single light poured into the darkness of the upstairs as Clarice tried to steady herself on the floor, her hands reaching out in the darkness to find her bearings as she walked towards the light.

She heard the squeal of Hannah and let all guards down, her body racking forward towards the sound as she ran into the girls room and came face to face with Jame Gumb, his brown hair slicked back as his dark eyes looked at her with menace. Hannah was in his grasp, her head clutched between his hands that Clarice knew could snap her neck in a second if he truly wanted to. He was dressed all in black as he crouched over Hannah possessively.

"Hannah" Clarice said steadily "It's going to be okay."

Jame heard Clarice's voice and his body went still for a moment.

"Clarice?" his deep voice said looking at the woman who was once the young girl that had escaped him.

"Jame" Clarice said holding up her weapon "Where are the other girls?"

"Clarice..."Jame said with a twisted smile "It had to be you didn't it?"

"Jame!" Clarice said forcibly "Let her go now and tell me where the others are!"

"I had to start again..." he said holding Hannah tighter "All because of you" he sneered as his teeth clenched together "All those years wasting away in that cell..."

"Like the weeks you kept me in that pit!" Clarice said getting angry now "Now I'm not telling you again! WHERE ARE THE OTHERS!"

"In the pit!" Jame said with a sickening laugh before tossing Hannah towards Clarice, her instincts kicking in as she caught the girl as Jame jumped out the window.

"I've got you!" Clarice said holding Hannah tight as the girl cried hard into her arms "I've got you..."

Hannibal heard the commotion upstairs and hurried up the steps, his body moving with grace and talent as he walked in on Clarice holding the young girl in her arms, the wind blowing through the open window that led to nothing but darkness.

"He's gone" Clarice said "He got away..."

"But you saved her" Hannibal said crouching down beside Clarice "And the lives of her aunt and uncle."

"But there are still two more..." she whispered.

"We will find them Clarice" Hannibal said "I believe you will find them."

Clarice looked up at Hannibal who simply stared down at her with understanding. Hannah shuddered in her arms and Clarice was brought back to the situation.

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