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Clarice felt her arm steady against Hannibal as they moved across the dance floor, her mind mesmerized by him, all the luxury and sophisticated things surrounding her as she slowly moved her body alongside his. She couldn't take her eyes off him, the steady way he moved, filled with assurance and poise, always calm and collected no matter the situation.

"You look lovely tonight" Hannibal said softly as he twirled her around.

"So do you" Clarice said blushing.

Hannibal smiled and looked away "I had been hoping you would come tonight. These last few weeks I have found myself lost in a haze without your presence."

"I thought you were angry at me" Clarice said looking up at him "About killing him."

"I could never be angry at you Clarice" Hannibal said drawing her in close "Especially when you were only doing what instinct told you to do. You thought my life was in danger, and in that moment you exacted revenge on Jame."

"It wasn't always about revenge" Clarice said "It was about doing what was right."

"You think killing him was the right thing to do?" Hannibal said as they moved their bodies in harmony.

"As bad as it sounds" Clarice said quietly "Yes."

Hannibal smiled again, his face brushing up against her hair, smelling that intoxicating scent she always wore around him. His hand caressed hers as they dance, Clarice's head falling on his shoulder as those big blue eyes stared out contently. Hannibal relished the thought of her always being like this around him, wanted her always to be this close and confide in him her darkest thoughts. It did not matter if he never took a life again, as long as she was his to consume.

"Hannibal" Clarice said looking up at him after a moment "Why did you change my clothes that night you took me home?"

"I told you" he said a little confused "I wanted you to be comfortable."

"You could have just left me alone" Clarice said "Or better yet, you could have done anything to me."

"I would never do anything without your permission" Hannibal said as his lips were inches away from hers, his eyes never leaving hers as they stared at her with unbound lust.

Suddenly the music ended and Clarice felt herself breath heavily as she stepped away from Hannibal, her body vibrating for more, more of his touch and his words that sedated her like a drug. She saw Jack Crawford coming towards the two and quickly excused herself, her body moving fast to the ladies room to collect herself before she confronted anyone else.

Hannibal watched her go and giving a quick look around followed closely, his body moving like a snake through water to get to Clarice. She had seeded something deep within his body, something that stirred and thrashed every time she got near him, and it was taking everything in him to hold it back. But just then, holding her, smelling her, hearing the words come out of his mouth that he openly wanted her...well it was only a matter of time before it became too much.

Clarice made it to the hallway were scarcely anyone was present when she felt Hannibal's grip on her wrist, twirling her around and leading her down the hallway into an empty room. Her heart was beating a thousand miles a minute as Hannibal quietly pulled her in and shut the door, making sure to lock it in case some one decided to snoop on them. Then Hannibal turned, facing Clarice as she backed into a desk, her face flushed as her body quivered, scared to want what Hannibal was about to give.

Slowly he came and brushed the back of his hand against her face his body leaning into hers as her legs parted to let him in.

"I can't stop this Clarice" Hannibal whispered as his hands dug into her hair "I can't hold back any longer, for fear I will do something bad if I do. I want you Clarice, body and soul. I want you to be mine."

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