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"We've located at least a dozen houses that have been using substantial water amounts from the bay like Clarice pointed out" Jack Crawford said "But the odds are slim of finding them in time."

"We have to try harder" Will said "This is Clarice we are talking about. It's been over three days Jack."

"Will there is nothing else in my power to do" Jack Crawford said "Jame Gumb has left no traces from the apartment complex, no one had even noticed him walking out of that place. He vanished and we are only going on a small hunch Clarice had back when she wasn't even sure Jame was the killer."

"He'll follow the same pattern he did when he first started kidnapping the girls" Will said "All you have to do is look at the case file to see it!"

"Do you not think I already have?" Crawford said looking at Will with sarcasm "There is nothing there. Jame has gone against everything that his pattern suggested."

Will heard Jack's voice, but the thought suddenly clicked on like a light that had been burnt out for weeks. Jame went against everything he had done in the past, so why stop now?

"Jack he's not near water" Will said suddenly "Clarice was wrong. Check where substantial amounts of water have been used no where near the bay area. Check for well lines and where houses might be located along them. Jame used the well to fill up with water when the girl's wouldn't do what he asked of them. It was a scare tactic because the ground beneath them would take the water eventually. That is what we are looking for."

"I'll get everyone on it" Jack said as his hand picked up the phone. Will walked out of the office quickly, having enough with the jurisdictions that held him back from just going after Gumb and doing it himself. He moved so fast through the building, making phone calls and hearing the information going through his head at rapid speed. Only three locations had been traced with using various amounts of water, and Will knew that one of those was going to lead them to Jame Gumb and Clarice.

Will found himself at Hannibal's before he knew it, knowing the doctor would be good to have on his crusade. His feet moved up the stairs and knocked rapidly on Hannibal's office door with purpose. Hannibal answered quickly, thankfully not with a patient as Will just gave him a solid look that told Hannibal everything he needed to know.

"Where is she?" Hannibal said grabbing his jacket with haste.

"I've got three addresses" Will said holding up a folded piece of paper "Three chances to find Clarice."

"Those are solid odds" Hannibal said "What are we waiting for?"

They moved to Will's car, almost flying like Hermes with a message to the gods as they sped out into the street. Hannibal could feel his blood pulsating with revenge, the last three days being a personal hell, finding himself worrying over Clarice, wondering what she was going through, wanting her near him but finding himself alone in the dark. And now he was off, like the masked crusaders of comic books, ready to save the day.

Hannibal felt himself smile, a villain saving the quaint.

"You think I like doing this to you?" Jame said throwing another bucket of ice cold water down on the girls as they protected their heads from the torrent of water "You think I like seeing you shriveled and cold?"

Clarice looked at the two girls who stared back, their eyes steeled just like hers, following Clarice's lead. They had been through hell these last couple of days, or was it weeks? They couldn't tell anymore by the constant comings and going of their tormentor. Had starved them the first day, and then flicked hot grease down into the pit, stinging their skin no matter where they went. Clarice had taken most of the blow with that one, shielding the girls under her as her back stung from burns. The more Clarice protected them, the more furious Jame got. He expected at least one of them to bend to him, but not one spoke, not one pleaded, and it was driving Jame mad.

That was the plan at least, Clarice thought to herself, to get Jame so furious he would do what he did last time. He was going to lose control, and when he did he would make a mistake that would ensure their escape. Another wave of water hit them, their feet submerged now in murky water.

"You aren't going to get out of this Clarice" Jame said "And they aren't either. You know what I'm going to do next? I'm going to close this well. That water was ice cold wasn't it? Hypothermia should set in once the darkness cools it even more. You hear me Clary? You are going to kill these girls if you don't speak to me."

Clarice looked at the two girls who were shivering but trying to hold back from crying. Crying was something Clarice had told them they should never do, and they were desperately trying to hold it together. She knew what Jame said was true, and wondered how much more these frail girls could take. It was Jessica who nodded no to Clarice, to not give in to him.

That made the insides of Clarice turn to stone and she simply looked up at Jame with her steel blue eyes and simply said "No."

"Then you really are going to die in here" his dead voice said as he moved to get the board that would cover up the pit.

"Come close to me girls" Clarice said quietly as they sloshed over to her "Hold on to me tight and close your eyes."

"Last chance" Jame said.

Clarice stared up at him, her eyes defiant till the end.

She could see the rage boiling in his eyes, his fury taking control.

"That's it" Clarice thought "Lose it, lose that calm control."


The crashing above her sounded her release as the light above the pit began to sway.

"Come on" Clarice whispered.

She heard Jame scream some more, the pieces of woods shattering above her as Jame tore through whatever he saw. The light swayed more, almost ready to topple over.

"YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!" Jame finally screamed as he slammed the door. This was the moment, this was what Clarice had been building up to as the light creaked and groaned, ready to give.

And then...nothing.

The light didn't fall, but simply just stopped swaying, it's release unheard of as it stilled gently. Clarice felt her heart drop into her stomach and her hands instinctively pulled the girls tighter to her.

They were trapped, and Clarice was all out of moves in the game.

"Last house" Will said quietly as the pulled up, the night coming fast as the lights of the car dimmed. Hannibal felt his heart start to quicken, his eyes menacing as he stared at the house that was covered in brush and tall grass.

"If we do this" Will said "Do you think we can take him?"

"He's strong Will" Hannibal said "But not strong enough."

Will suddenly saw it, the killer instinct Hannibal possessed within him. He looked at that house like a lion looks at it's prey in the dead of night, crouching, staring, waiting for the opportune moment to strike...

"Dr. Lecter..." Will said quietly.

But then, when Hannibal looked over at Will, he saw the murder vanish from his eyes, his composure kept, his eyes expecting whatever came from Will next. It made Will feel uneasy all of a sudden, but he knew he had to go to the house first, and then deal with the doctor later.

"Ready?" Hannibal said quietly.

"Ready" he said.

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