Chapter 2

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"Rhea! Rhea!" I shouted. I was trembling outside my best friend's house, paranoid that the machine might have followed me. 

Slowly, lights from the second floor of their house lit up. The door opened a few seconds later revealing a half sleeping Rhea. She was wearing her spongebob pyjama that I gave her on her twelveth birthday. Slowly, she lifte her head and saw me. Her eyes widened. 

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night? And with your pyjama?" She asked studying me and gesturing me to go inside.

I stepped inside their house. We were standing at their living room. I stared at Rhea for a few seconds and I hugged her and started sobbing. Her parents who I must've waken up came down. They looked at me with concern. As if they understood that I needed to regain my composure, they sat down the couch and opened the television. I fell down the floor and dragged Rhea with me. She did not say anything. She just comforted me. 

Rhea's parents decided to watch news early in the  morning while I poured my heart out.

"Goodmorning everyone! Sorry for spoiling your morning but we just recieved a report that a massacre has been acted upon the Benvolio family. I am standing right now in front of their house where the police has drawn a line to keep the media away." as she said that, the camera turned to capture my house surrounded by people and has police lines around it.

"The couple was found dead at exactly 2:30 this morning. Their neighbors say that they heard a gunshot at around midnight. They feared to enter. So, they called the police. It is believed that the only child of the coupled had escaped the massacre. Search teams has been designated to find the ten year old Ishaylah Benvolio. Right now, there is no lead to what caused this massacre. There are no guns, finger print or any clue left. Robbery has been crossed out of the choices since there are no missing things. Only a cat brutally killed. Weird you must say, but there really is a cat brutally killed. That is all for Benvolio's case. This is Elizabeth reporting." with that, Rhea's parents turned off the television and the room fell silent causing me to cry harder. They all came beside me and hugged me.

They all cried with me since our families are really tight. We stayed like that for . . . I don't really know. We went to Rhea's room still weeping until we fell asleep.

I woke up midday. My eye sockets were coming out. I found no one else in Rhea's room but me.

"Rhea?" I called out.

"Has she gone to school?" I asked mostly to myself.

"Yah, she must have." I replied to my own question.

I decided to go to their living room to find some food. Though I'm still terrified about my parent's death, I could not cry anymore. My eyes feel dry and I need energy to move. I jumped off the bed and borrowed some of Rhea's clothes. As I opened the door, I noticed that the door has been locked from my side of the room. Which is wierd because I cannot recall me or Rhea locking the door. I did not mind it. I just opened it and straight to the dining room. The house was silent, I mean deadly silent. I can't even hear the creaking of the floor or anything that moves. 

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