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Must read!!!


Hello readers. . . . If anyone is curious why I upload so so late and that really pisses you off, well that's because it is not easy to get internet connection in our place even though we're in the city. . .




I might upload lesser the next days, I did not say few, since school will be starting for us next week. . . . And I'm starting college. . .



So I hope you guys vote and comment on my story because I don't know if I should push on with writing Ishaylah's adventure. . . I'm really getting low encouragements on my story. .  (with the exception of my beloved reader @Zaf_booklover). . .



And oh! Maybe someone could help me edit the chapters. . . I think the chapters are really short . . .



Thank You. . . . Love yah. . . .

I will be uploading a chapter soon. So, watch out for it. . . . :)


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