Chapter 6

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"Your parents are superheroes of their times. They are the ones we call mutants. They have these powers that other people don't have. They wanted peace for their future and also for their descendants. But people hated them. People treated them like foreign bodies and started to hunt them and their kind. Humans succeeded slowly until such time that no mutants are seen on the surface. They are either killed, hiding somewhere or are trying hard to blend in the human world not and are not using their powers." The way he said those, well, I don't like it. It was like he has an advantage in what happened.

"Mutants went to me for help if ever they are sick. I actually got some of their DNA and kept it for the time I might need it." After he said those words, he looked at me, like it has a meaning.

" Your mom was one of my patients. That time she was having you and can't risk to be seen in public. If I am right, you are the last of your kind. They asked me to do the labor operation. I agreed in one condition. That when you are out, I can do my experiments on you and I should be the one to keep you. But your parents took you away. They hid you from me." he narrated. 

I tried to calm down, not believing his words. 

"I don't understand. What have you done to me? What was that machine looking for that it had to kill people important to me? Who are you?!" I asked feeling unknown to my own self. It feels weird that I am boiling with anger yet not fully knowing why or for what.

"Oh yes. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Dr. Layson. That machine is looking for you. The most powerful weapon. When you were a baby. I injected you with the DNA samples I collected from all my mutant patients. I see that you know nothing of what I am saying. You can't even get yourself off that chain." Dr. L answered.

"If you have grown by my side, you should know what you are capable of." He continued.

"You're lying. I am not capable of anything you are talking about. I'm just a little girl who is rob of her childhood and is forced to grow up quickly. "  I said. 

"You are not trained with these abilities so you can's just use them. In that four years you ran from us, didn't you notice anything? Why can't a machine catch a little girl? Because of your speed. You actually have every ability a mortal could wish for. You can even fly." He stated bluntly.

"How did you know? Have you been watching me? " I asked.

" No. You are to fast to be watched. I know since I am the one who knows things. If you agree to stay, I will train you to use your powers. " Dr. L said. I know he was hiding something. The reason why my parents hid me from him. But I decided that it would be better for me if I train first. After that, may the odds be in my favor in what I'm going to do.


I'm sorry if I take too much time in uploading and if this chapter did not go as some wants. It's cool like that. A story not to be guessed easily. 

So now that the cards are on the deck, stay tuned for what's going to happen next. there will be new characters added and you won't expect what's going to happen.!!!!

BTW, I've opened a tumblr account so those of you who has tumblr you could follow me there if you want. I will also be posting this story in tumblr and I wish that you would also support me there. Thank You!

Love you all. . . . 

If you like the chapter, kindly vote. I just noticed that I'm getting lower votes every chapter. heheh

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