Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Jane wasn't sure of exactly what was expected of her when she and Silvio entered the front doors together.

There wasn't exactly a red carpet or anything, but the lights were bright, and enough people turned their attention away from whatever it was they had been doing to smile at Silvio and Jane when they entered the restaurant.

Someone scuttled away from the group and swiftly approached the pair of them. A short man with a balding head. The top of it was shiny enough that Jane might be able to see her reflection in it, but the sides of his hair were still in place. They were a slate gray color, but well maintained.

"Mr. Calendri, it's a pleasure to have you here!" he said, coming up and taking Silvio's hand into both of his with what had to be the friendliest smile Jane had ever seen.

It didn't look fake either, it looked genuine. This guy was either a fabulous actor, or he really did love his job.

Jane was leaning towards the chance of him being an actor more than anything, since she knew how so many people in the service industry hated their jobs.

"We're sorry we're late," Silvio said. "Is our table still ready?"

Jane's eyes widened slightly at that. He didn't even try to explain why they were late. Not that she expected him to tell this man what had been the reason for that, but Jane figured he would at least try to make something up out of a sense of being polite.

He didn't, and the man in the black suit, who Jane was quickly guessing was the host of the event, didn't seem put off by that fact.

"Of course, your table is prepared," said the host, holding out a white gloved hand in the direction they were supposed to be walking, Jane assumed. "If you would both kindly follow me. I'll escort you personally."

Silvio nodded. "Glad to hear it."

Silvio held his arm out to Jane in that moment. She looked up at him, still so stunned by all the wealth and luxury around her that it nearly threw her off.

She composed herself quickly, taking ahold of his arm the way she figured a lady might, and then walked with Silvio through the dining room.

It wasn't anything like a normal restaurant. Well, nothing like the restaurants Jane tended to frequent. While there was the usual white noise of talking from the other guests at their white, table cloth tables, the look of the people here was completely different from what she was used to.

The place was bright, but not in the way that happened with fluorescent lighting and cheap tiled floors and tiny tables. She glanced above her head one more time to see what had to be multiple crystal chandeliers above her head, all glowing brightly against the high, cream colored ceiling.

There were no booths. Not in the sense she was used to. The square designs that were meant to pack people in like sardines.

No, these were different. There were a couple of round tables up against the wall with high backed booths behind them that rounded out against the tables themselves, giving those diners a sense of privacy while still appearing elegant.

In fact, all the tables seemed to be round, in carrying sizes, but they were round. They were also spaced well enough apart that Silvio and Jane never found themselves forced to ease carefully behind the chairs of the patrons to get to their destinations. They could walk as if they were already on a predetermined path, and Jane was stunned when she realized they were heading to a glass elevator.

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