Chapter Four

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Chapter four


I was in the process of wondering what my life had been like before the accident when my daydream was interrupted by Alpharos charging into the cafe out of breath.

“Azréa.... We need.... You..... Back... At the..... House.... It’s urgent”

“Alpha? What’s wrong?” Penny looked concerned as she frowned at her older brother, who avoided her question.

“It’s that.... Umm... Well... It’s not that they need you.... more like I need you.... Please?” his eyes pleading with me; huge puppy dog eyes. I followed him to a corner of the coffee shop. He boxed me into the corner.

I wasn’t sure why Alpha felt he needed my help, but after all he’d done for me, I felt it would have been unreasonable to refuse. “What is it you need help with?”

To my amazement, he pulled out two coloured bow ties and held each to his neck in turn, with a helpless look on his face.

 “Which one?”

I frowned, “which one what?”

He sighed before explaining, “I’m taking Claire out for dinner tonight, so I need you to tell me truthfully, which looks better...” He pulls the black one to his neck “This one?” before placing the light red one in the same place “Or this one?”

I shook my head “Black definitely suits you…”

“Black it is then...” He glanced into space as he unsuccessfully attempted to tie it round the collar of his shirt. I grinned at him and he stared at me, “What?”

“Here, let me do it!”I took the tie out of his hands and quickly and stood back to admire my handiwork. “There you go. That is much better. Look at you, all handsome…” I smiled, making him flush “I mean it, you must really like Claire to go through all this trouble... I mean you got bow ties!” I teased lightly; thankfully he saw the funny side and grinned.

“You sound like my mother, “he chuckled, “Don’t worry mom, I’ll bring her back to the house to meet you as soon if things start getting more serious!”

I giggled at this, as Alpha leant forward and kissed my cheek “Thanks, Az you’re a life saver! I’d ask Pen but she’s hopeless,” he winked, then he waved goodbye to everyone and left, leaving me standing there in a trance, touching my cheek where he’d kissed me.

“Hey! Are you going to sit back down or are you just going to stare out the window?” Elias said sourly. I nodded and walked back over to the table. “What did Alpha want you for anyway?”

“Fashion advice...” I snorted as Kendall took a bite out of a muffin and got half of it sprayed over me as she laughed. “Oh my god, Kendall...” I sighed, standing to dust the crumbs off my clothes as Penny piped in.

“I’m sorry, Azréa... But fashion advice?” A wide smile appeared on Kendall’s face,

“I think we asked for the news, not the weather Kendall...” Elias smirked nastily as I frowned at him.

“Elias... She said she was sorry...” I hadn’t realised Elias had another side to him, although just because I don’t actually remember it doesn’t mean it was never there before.

“Sorry, I hadn’t realised that you had lost your sense of humour at the same time that you lost your memory!” He snarled evilly. He had completely changed within a second; I could have sworn he reminded me of someone else... I just couldn’t remember who.

 “Elias!” Kendall leapt in to defend me, as I lost my temper. I had put up with enough of his snide comments as I could handle. I placed my hand under the nearest plate of muffins and tipped all of them on his lap before storming out of the Coffee shop.

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