Chapter Two

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Chapter two



In the days that followed, I started to feel better, although it was another week or so before I felt that my body had fully recovered from the accident. I still couldn’t remember what had happened, but everyone kept reassuring me that this was entirely normal. I was still taking the medicine, although so far it hadn’t helped me regain my lost memories.

On the seventh day, I was sitting on a couch in the large room that the family used as a sitting area; so far I had only seen a few of the many rooms in the Chateau that Hènri owned.  Hènri was sitting reading a newspaper, Penny was doodling names and love hearts onto a pad.

I decided I was fed up with being cooped up in the house and I turned to my uncle and asked the same question I had asked the week before, “Uncle Hènri, I need to get out of here, I’m feeling much better. Can I go out for a walk now?”

My uncle looked up from his newspaper, “You do seem to be a great deal better than when you first woke up, so it should be fine as long as you take Penny with you” he looked anxiously at Penny, “Penny, you must make sure that neither of you wanders too far and that Azréa takes her medicine. And if there is any sign of trouble, come back at once”

“Thanks Uncle Hènri!” I walked out of the room scanning around for the front door.

“We will be careful, Papa. The front door’s this way, Cousin.” Penny smiled as she came up behind me and pointed down the corridor, I followed her down the hallways until we reached the main hall with the front door arched in the middle of the wall.

We sped down the stairs and skidded to a halt in front of the magnificent doorway, and then opened the front door to let ourselves out into the Chateau grounds.

 I paused taking in the breath-taking surroundings. “I still can’t over how beautiful it is here…” I said, breathing in the brisk air that felt so fresh against my clear complexion - it was almost like being in the countryside, except for the fact that because the chateau was situated on a hill, so as I looked down to the east I caught glimpse of the Eiffel tower, buried in the distance between houses and buildings of all sizes.

Penny glanced over to me and smiled “Yeah, It sure is... Come on! You wanted some fresh air!” she giggled as she took my hand.

We started walking down the long driveway, which led to a nearby road; I was amazed that the house was so close to the outskirts of the city.

“Where are we going?” I asked Penny, who smiled and shook her head.

“I can’t tell you. It’s a surprise. Trust me; I know you’ll love it”

I looked up at the rooftops of the grand city as we drew nearer to the front gates. It really did look magical in every way possible; I was half expecting witches on broomsticks to come flying over the roofs of the beautifully built buildings with the cute prism roofs.

We crossed over the road and went down an old fashioned, cobbled street which was signposted ‘Rue de Belle’ and ended at a little marketplace, surrounded on all sides by rows of quaint shops. 

In the middle of the marketplace was a fountain. Penny beamed at me, “Come on, let’s make a wish!” she said, as she pulled me towards it.

“I thought you were supposed to throw coins in wells, not fountains” I said, puzzled.

“That’s just a stupid muggle tradition anyway” said a voice loudly from behind me.

Startled, I spun around and promptly hit someone in the middle of their chest; embarrassed I looked up at the person I had hit accidently.

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