3 - Bitching

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Hey, guys, this will be a short, sad chapter. You read the title, so you know something bad will happen. Not too bad tho. And it ends happily. Not the chapter, the story.


The next day, Cas couldn't wait to go to school. Not only because he hated being at home but also because he could wait to see Dean. The boy he was in love with.

As usual, his brother Gabriel drove him to school again. They stopped at a Starbucks so they could get some coffee because Gabriel didn't sleep well with all the yelling and Cas didn't sleep well with being yell at.

"Hey, Gabe?" Cas asked right before they ordered.

"Yo," Gabriel said.

"Can we get a coffee for Dean as well?"

"Yeah sure. Do you know what he wants?"

"Black, two sugars. He told me yesterday."

"Okaaay..." Gabriel said as he pulled up to the drive-up ordering thing.

Once they were done getting coffee, and a cake pop for Gabriel, they made their way to the school.

"Bye, Cassie!" That was they last thing Gabriel said before he abandoned Castiel for the day.

"Hey, Cas!" Castiel heard Dean yell. He turned around to see the dirty blonde boy running to him.

"Hello, Dean." Castiel with a deep mighty voice(Nightmare Before Christmas). "I got you a coffee."

"Thanks, Cas. Hey, sooo I'm too lazy to go to school today, so do you want to go somewhere, as friends of course," Dean said.

"Aren't you having to redo this year?"

"Yeah so?"

"So shouldn't we actually go to class?"


"Fine, ok, you win."

Dean smiled. He grabbed Castiel's hand, which made the angel blush and pulled him to his 1967 Chevy Impala.

"Like the car?" Dean asked.

"It's nice," Cas responded, averting his eyes from the brown-haired boy.

The got in the car and drove off to a little cafe a few blocks away.

"Me and Sammy used to come here whenever our father got drunk. He would always yell at Sam." Dean said when they got a table.

"I'm sorry," Cas said, putting a comforting hand on Dean's shoulder.

"It's ok, he died in a car accident a few years ago, so we live with our dad's friend, Bobby. He's like an uncle."

"That's good."

"Hey Cas, look," Dean said, pointing to a lesbian couple. "They're so weird. I don't understand being gay. That would make sex so much harder. That and it's just unnatural."

Cas didn't know how to respond to this. His crush just made it very clear that he doesn't like gay people. How could this happen? Cas was so happy that he had finally met someone who didn't hate him, but Dean did, he just didn't know it. He tried to tell himself that Dean didn't mean it in a bad way. But how could you not? Saying it like that. Before he knew it, he was crying. And not just a few tears, he was heartbroken.

"Cas? What's wrong?" Dean asked.

"Y-you..." Cas tried to say.

"Did I say something wrong?" Dean asked, completely clueless to the fact the Cas started crying right after Dean said some meany beany shit.

"homophobic bitch," Cas whispered right before standing up and walking away.

Dean sat there looking dumbfounded. "Cas, I'm sorry! I didn't know!"

"That does change who you are!!"

Dean looked up to see Castiel walking away. He also noticed that Cas had a gun in his pants.


(2018 Updated)

So I just read this through, and it gave me feels. This is a problem. My own fic isn't suposed to give me feels!


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