Make it through the lies.

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Lily Summer's POV

It wasn't until the day i arrived, that i knew i had misjudged the capitol's beauty. They may treat us in fairly, slaughter us, hang us but their city is way beyond beautiful, its magnificent. I realize now, this was the moment i had to make an impression, I had to make myself look strong, and no matter how i felt, my emotions will be needed to put aside.

'' Children!''- Sydney screeched.- '' Hurry up, The stylist are waiting!''

''Don't let them change you,Lil''

They won't. I'll make sure of it. I won't let them turn me into something I'm not. I will not be the prey, not this time. I have made several mistakes in my life, deathly even. I killed someone. I killed my brother. I couldn't save him, it was my fault he's dead now, and i won't kill anyone else. If they kill me, they'll live with that regret all their lives, I can't live with any more regret.

''What will they do?''- I asked Sydney while looking at the window. I have no sympathy for her. Her people are the ones that kill innocent children every year, just for entertainment and money. She's like the rest of them, they all are.

'' Dear, they're here to help you''. - She answered back as she dismissed me with a glance. Help me? How could someone from the capitol be willing to help me? They all want me dead, if not, Why am i Here?

''To fight for your life''- Colin answered back with a knowing glance. - ''I just assumed that was what you were thinking''- He added while watching my puzzled expression.

''Hurry up!''- Sydney bellowed as Sam jumped in fright and i winced.-''We're going to be late, and you can't miss the parade!''

I could see loads of lights throughout the city, it made you feel alive. But my heart shattered to pieces the moment i realized this not my reality, this not the way I was meant to live. Even if i win, I'll go back to District 4, and every year i'll have to watch how children, that i mentor, are killed due to the Capitol's hate and cruelty. I would go back and watch how innocent children starve to death, while here, they've got a drink that helps you puke and makes you eat more food until you're tired.

''Hello, Lily''- a voice said. I turned around and faced a man with blond hair and big green eyes. My stylist. I was relieved he didn't look like many citizens of the capitol did, I made me feel that somehow I was speaking to a normal person right now.

''Nice to meet you''-I nodded back in greeting while I extended my hand to shake his.

''So, are you a fan of a lobster?''- he asked randomly as he started to inspect my hair and my nails. Lobster? He can't be serious! I'm not going to go out there dressed as some lobster No way! – ''It has nothing to do with the costume, I promise''- he added while laughing at my disgusted expression.

''Thank god''- I muttered under my breath. – ''Are you here to help me, then?''- I asked loudly.

''I'll try my best, Lily.''- he added while smiling weakly but his eyes turned sad while he started to pace around - ''Just so you know, I'm on your side' 'My side?- ''But I can't fight for you, that, you'll have to do it yourself.''

I know. That's why I'm here alone. I'm not supposed to trust anyone, but I trust Sam anyway. I hope I'm not making a mistake, friends can deceived you, I know that now. They use you, and when they're done, they betray you, as simple as that. What really terrifies me, is killing Sam. Ian will never speak to me again, my sister will view me as a killer and even my parents will be too afraid to even yell at me. I'll be alone, and it would make me feel the need of dying.

'' Aren't you such a cutie?''- a woman said as she entered along 2 other girls. I broke out of my inner thoughts as each of them hugged me and smiled at me cheerfully. I turned stiff as I refused to hug back and pushed them away from me while shaking my head in disgust.

It was torturous having to watch how Sparkle and Glitter combed my hair, but it hurt more how they tried to remove the small amount of hairs on my legs with a razor. It was exhausting and painful as I struggled to break free from their strong grip. After many hours of yelling and pleading, they managed to let me go, only to be escorted to a room that contained my costume.

''Patience, sweetie.''- Sparkle.. or Glitter said. I'm not sure, they're identical. – ''You will look marvelous''- she added while squealing.

''Don't call me that. Only my mother used to call me that''- I said coldly while she recoiled and smiled sadly at me. With fake pity. It was obvious, even to my eyes. They don't feel a thing, they just act like they do.

''I'm really sorry this happened to you. Not all of us are like them. Some are different. I don't want you to view me like that''- Glitter added while her eyes filled with tears- ''Excuse me''- she added as she brushed past me and went to the restrooms.

''We're ready''- my stylist said as he approached the door slowly while choosing a key. He carried several boxes that all contain hats and gloves, too big for me, I hope.

''What's your name?''- I asked, as I realized I had forgotten to ask his name before.

''Eric. Nice to properly meet you''- he answered back while opening the door. Eric. A normal name at least.

''Why is your name so normal?''- I blurted out before I could stop myself. Eric laughed as realization covered his eyes. I felt stupid as I hung my head in shame and looked at the floor.

''Not all of us have weird names, you know. Some people from the capitol are actually what you consider to be ...normal''- He added back while chuckling silently.

''Anyways, now this is your dress''- he added while he revealed a lovely blue and green dressed that seemed made similar to Greek dresses that women used to wear in ancient times. (Dress picture on top!). Not bad, It was actually very lovely and comfortable to wear.

''You look lovely dear''- Sparkle added as she managed to attach the final touches to my dress. I looked in the mirror, and I was amazed of reflection. I never realized I could look pretty, I didn't even know I was pretty. But this was my moment, this would determine my future, and somehow this will determine if lived or not.

''We look ancient''- Sam added as he joined me on the carriage. He wore a similar costume like mine, both the same color and design. I burst out laughing despite my nerves and started shaking my head in mock disappointment at Sam.- ''What are we?''

''We wanted to make you Amphitrite and Poseidon, the god and goddess of the sea''- Eric added as he fixed my dress and braided my hair. (You see what I did there, Percy Jackson fans!).

''Sam''- I started saying despite my nerves-''I know we weren't friends, but I would like you to know, that you don't have to be afraid. I won't kill you''- I added. He had to know, he reminded me so much of my brother, and somehow if kill him, I would be killing my brother all over again.

Sam opened his mouth to speak but soon he was interrupted by the loud horn. The parade has started.

''Its time to impress, kiddos''- Eric yelled.

It sure is, Eric. And I won't let this moment go to waste. 


Lily is definetly motivated, isn't she? So, How was it? 

Next chapter: Mackenzie Crew by  @Ida_e_D2 will be posted on Wednesday! Please check it out!

Thanks guys! 

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