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Hanna👡:Hey guys

Aria🌸:Hey babe

Emily🍨:Guys I'm bored.

Spencer🎀: Same

Aria🌸:Um..Has anyone seen or heard from ali recently?

Hanna👡:Actually no,not since the party last week

Spencer🎀: Do you think something happend to her?

Emily🍨:Idk but we should all meet up at the barn.


~~~~~At Spencers barn~~~~
(A/N:Ik this isn't text but I wanted to mix it up)

Emilys POV:
I walked into Spencers barn to see everyone was waiting for me.I walked to my spot at Spencer started talking,"Ok so no one knows were ali is?"Spencer said."Do you think this is a sick joke?"Hanna says.Hanna says that because We have been "A" Free for about 2 weeks now and all the sudden ali goes missing...just like when a"A" was around."She wouldn't do this....Not as a joke atleast.." I say.We all are quit for a while before aria breaks it."What are we doing sitting around we need to look for her!"aria says in a serious voice,But we're would we look...Wait I have an idea!."guys remember "A's" lair maybe "A" or who ever took her there!" I say."No,"A" wouldn't do that because it knows we know we're that is" Hanna says.True but we're else could "A" have taken her...The "dollhouse"."The dollhouse" I kinda yell."Wait that's a good idea,let's go " aria says.
Spencers POV:
I felt Emilys hand intertwine with mine,I could tell she was scared and was having visions.I gave her a reassuring squeeze as we walked in the cellar.We turned on our flashlights and it hit me,A bunch of flash backs.We walk around and hear screaming..Ali's screaming.We run towards it and then we see it our "rooms".I went to look at Emilys but she was gone."Guys were did Emilys go!?" I say panicked.Hanna and aria scream and look around.We decide to split up.I look around and the I see it a room of cells all empty except one and ali was in it.I Yell for aria and hanna.They run in and try to help me unlock the door,finally the door opens and ali hugged us."Wait weres emily?" Ali says.Emily crap I forgot.."She dissappeard but we need to find her let's go" Aria says as we rush out of that room.
Hanna's POV:
Aria grabs my hand and we go down a hallway.It was dark but we found a room of computer monitors but they had a password.Then I remembered a date mona gave me,09/17."Guys try 09/17!" I say.Spencer punches it in and then screens came up of the hallways.The cameras were on thank god.Spencer looks through all the cameras and stops.I see tears forming in her eyes."Spenc what is it?"I say as I move her aside but then I see Emily face to face with someone...That someone was "A" and it had a knife."Guys That's the room we tried to burn! Come on!" Aria says as we start running,Finally we get there just in time.zMe and ali grab "A's" Head and Aria takes the knife and puts it to its throat.Spencer grabs Emily and holds her."Take off your mask,Bitch" Aria says still holding the knife but when "A" takes if it's mask aria steps back and drops.
Aria's POV:
I can't believe it..."A" Is Ezra."No..No..No" I fall down and start crying.I feel hanna wrap her Arms around me and kiss my cheek."EZRA HOW COULD YOU!"I scream."Baby,Please I didn't me-" Ezra was interrupted by hanna,"For you information she's not your baby she is mine and I will murder you for trying to kill Emily " Hanna says in a angry tone.Then out of no where he's gone.
~~~Two Weeks Later~~~
Hanna👡:Hey guys sleepover tonight.

Spencer🎀:Yeah sure but as long as it's in a house.😂

Aria🌸:Yeah please.

Hanna👡: Of course so,Who's in?


Aria🌸:Me of course babe

Emily🍨:Sounds fun as long as Spenc is there😜😙

Ali🍥:Wow I am so single,but I'm in.

Hanna👡:Ok Em is in charge of snacks.

Emily🍨: Of course

Hanna👡:Aria is in charge of drinks.

Aria🌸:Ok cool.

Hanna👡:Spenc is in charge of movies.


Hanna👡:Ali is in charge of games.

Hanna👡:And im in charge of blankets and pillows.

Spencer🎀:How about we all met there at 5:00 pm.

All:Ok bye!

A/N:Ok so next chapter will be like this but it will end with texts.xoxo ~M

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